[𝟏𝟑]. remember the wind?

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"Well, it's settled, then. Let's take this jade to Yujing Terrace. That's where we plan to hold the Rite..." Zhongli mused, carrying a box of jades as [Y/N] fought the urge to carry it instead of him.

"Look at you, bossing everyone around! You didn't cough up a single Mora!" Paimon crossed her arms, huffing angrily as Aether sighed.

"Please remember to bring money next time."

"I will do my best. You have my thanks."

"Well then, we should go and prepare the perfumes used in the Rite. We cannot buy them, for honoring the gods must involve fresh silkflower perfume."

"It's time for Zhongli's lectures on high society again..." The floating mascot facepalmed, earning no reaction from the consultant.

"We shall not speak of the details right now. Follow me, we shall go to the merchants to purchase our ingredients," The male spoke, setting down the box of jades as hushed murmurs spread throughout Liyue, whispers of Rex Lapis' death spiking like a trend.

"Ah, I'm afraid I must part ways with you. I have some... duties... to attend to," [Y/N] stopped the group just before they headed to by silkflowers, an understanding nod coming from both Aether and Zhongli as an image of Venti flickered through the adeptus' mind.

I just left him alone for his hangover. Oops. The girl facepalmed, running through the streets of Liyue as the sight of a small hotel made its way into view, her eyes widening as she saw a frantic Bennett and a very dizzy Venti.

"Huh? You're not inside?" [Y/N] pushed through the crowds, arms reaching out to catch the falling form of the bard's as Bennett mumbled out quick apologies.

"Sorry, [Y/N]! Venti said he really wanted to go and meet some... err... 'Beefy Gorilla'?"

"[Y/NNN]~! You're here! Hehe... I missed you..." Venti burst through the crowd, digging his face into the crook of [Y/N]'s neck as [e/c] eyes widened at his blatant form of affection as passersbys's didn't even bother to hide their staring.

". . ." The girl short-circuited, weighing two options. One, she'd beat the living shit out of the citizens who were staring— two, she'd teleport away, risking rumors being spread.

"Let's... get you back inside," She mumbled, swinging the bard over her shoulder as she carried him like a sack of potatoes, begrudgingly taking him back inside the hotel as Bennett trailed nervously after her.

"My head hurts," Venti mumbled into the pillows, comical tears sliding down his face as [Y/N] set down a teacup next to him.

"That's what you get for drinking 36 bottles," She deadpanned, blowing on the hot tea, an earthy scent of herbs filling her nose.

"Haha! I could drink at least 20 mor—" The bard was cut off with the sight of a teacup in front of his face, [Y/N]'s callused hands brushing against his chin as they touched his bottom lip.

"Here. I don't know what tea this is, but I bought it from a teashop—"

Without hesitating, Venti quickly grabbed the cup from her grasp, not minding the searing warmth, he gulped down the liquid as fast as he did with those Liyue wines.

The heat from the tea did nothing to calm the race his heart ran, spinning in circles like a Fontaine play.

"Aw, how sweet of you! I almost thought you were as broke as I—"

"I'll beat you up."

"Where are we supposed to go, again?" Venti asked, carrying some random boons he pulled out of thin air.

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