[𝟐𝟏]. moonlight

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"Please do not open the letter right now..." Zhongli rested his hand on yours bashfully, his face still craned towards you, yet your eyes did not meet.

"You should, erm," He cleared his throat, "open it when I leave the marsh."

What's in it? You blinked, nodding slowly as the ex-archon quickly retracted his hands, the knowledge of holding it finally catching up with him (like old age).

"Ah, okay," You stiffened, watching Zhongli back away before turning around and speedwalking out of your view.

Concluding that he was gone, you began to untie the crimson red ribbon that encased the gold of the envelope, your uncharacteristic fingers trying to open the letter as carefully as possible.


As always, I hope this letter finds you in good hands. While I am writing this, you have just arrived in Liyue along with your group of friends.

I am glad you are happier with them, that golden Traveler does have the aura of the stars. There is no need for me to ask how you are, or if you're taking care of yourself because I know that is what you have been doing.

Though I know this letter is overdue, and that you must think it is dragged on— thank you.

Thank you for returning to Liyue, even if it is for a second. Thank you for sparing this city a glance under your protective gaze once more.

There is much more I wish to tell you, but I wouldn't want this single letter to turn into an essay. So, farewell, my Dove. Please carry the dreams and wishes of Liyue to each nation and city you visit.



You stared at the letter, rereading its contents over and over again until you swore you had gone over every last ink stroke.

Is he... saying goodbye?

You paused.

Before, most of the letters you had received from Zhongli were signed Morax, or Rex Lapis, or anything and everything but the Liyue-an script that blared 'Zhongli'.

This... truly is the new era, isn't it?

Centuries have gone since Liyue has grown enough to sustain itself. Weeks had passed since Osial was slain once more and lay to rest in the sea where he one day will rise once more.

And then once Osial rises again... where will you be? Will you still be traveling with Aether? Or will he have found his sister again? Will the sky still be blue and the stars still visible?

Maybe not.

I should go thank him, looking around, the figure of the amber-eyed consultant was nowhere to be found.

. . .

He just dipped... didn't he?

Well shit.

Why is he saying goodbye in his letter even though I haven't even left? [Y/N] thought with a grimace, ducking in and out of random stores, hoping to find Mr. Zhongli and ask him what the point of this letter was.

Half of it was empty. The top half held words, and the bottom half of the golden material was blank. If the adeptus wasn't so keen on saving the trees (it's ironic of her to say this, considering she single handedly destroyed Mondstadt's mountain), she would've thought Mr. Zhongli just wasted half a paper!

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