[𝟕]. dear liyue,

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"Oh by the way, [Y/N]. What'd Mr. Spear-Man say in his letter?" Venti asked, walking alongside the girl as the two padded along the roads of Liyue, mountain formations and flowers erupting from the Earth with each step.

"That? Hmm..." Trailing off, [Y/N]'s attention directed to the birds, their wings spread wide to catch the wind of the sky.


I hope this letter sees you in good hands. It has been quite a while since I have directly sent you a letter, so I apologize for my absence. However, I heard that you have been doing well, so that is good.

How are you? Did you drink water? Make sure you do not overuse your vision, fatigue is not good.

Please make sure you rest. If you have the time, do not hesitate to pay a visit to Liyue. Since you have left, the city has prospered much more than you could imagine. I think you'd find joy in the kites that are made here.

Oh, and of course, attached to this package, I have given you some painkillers. I am sure dealing with that disgraceful drunkard must induce many migraines.

Safe travels, my dove. Make sure to not believe everything you see in Liyue.



"What? He called me disgraceful? The drunkard part I can understand... but disgraceful? How rude!" Venti huffed, crossing his arms as the adeptus sweatdropped.

"You did call him a brutish blundering buffoon..."

"Yeah, and I'd do it again!"

"Look! It's the mountains on the map! We're close to Liyue Harbor, Aether!" Paimon exclaimed, pointing at a rock formation excitedly, prompting the bard to grin mischievously.

"Ahem..." Venti cleared his throat, disintegrating his lyre.

You grimaced.

"Race ya!" The archon called, propelling himself up into the air as Paimon yelled angrily, chasing after him with a blonde on her tail.

"Hey, Bennett?" You turned your head over to the unlucky male, your [e/c] eyes meeting his lemon-lime ones.

"Hop on my back. We'll beat them all," Crouching down, Bennett warily looked around, worried that some dendro slime would appear out of nowhere.

"But [Y/N]! What if my bad luck does something bad?!"

"Nonsense. Luck isn't real if you think about it."


Cooperating, a weight was pressed against your back, an ambitious smirk making its way onto your lips as a fire heated up the soles of your shoes.

"Hold on tight," Feet digging into the ground below you, grass wilted prematurely, emerald gloss twisting into a molten black.

And off you went.

"Woah!" Bennett yelled, perched up on your back as you wove through Aether and Paimon, catching up to the archon as each of your steps left prints, reminders of your existence in Liyue.

"Ah! That's not fair!" Paimon wailed, struggling to catch up to the two pyro vision wielders.

"Life isn't fair!" Venti announced triumphantly, his hands on his hips as he stood atop the rock formations, a winning grin on his face as his forest cape swayed with the wind, mimicking the trees below.

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