[𝟏𝟓]. kiss the sun and moon

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"Ouch... my head hurts," Venti's voice was muffled by the soft pillows, his face buried in between the cushions as he was suffering from a severe hangover.

"Hah. Serves you right," [Y/N] huffed, placing down a glass of water as she hoisted up some backpack.

"Do you think you're well enough to head to the Jade Chamber?"

"No... but I do think I'm well enough to head right on back to Third-Round Knock—"

"Goodbye, Venti," The adeptus cut the bard off, far too tired to deal with his antics as she closed the door swiftly, leaving the archon to wallow in his silence.

How boring.

"Zhongli~!" Venti cooed innocently, knocking relentlessly on the doors of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor as the consultant behind the wood merely furrowed his eyebrows.

"This... 'Zhongli' you speak of is not here," Zhongli announced, gloved fingers threatening to rip as he clutched the teacup in his hands.

"Haha! You know you can't trick me like that, Mr. Zhongli!" Venti mocked, continuing to pound on the doors until the archon-in-disguise finally opened up.

"What do you want, Venti?" The amber-eyed male queried, clearly done with the bard's antics as the green-clad figure chuckled righteously.



"I will report you to the Millelith if you continue to harass the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."

"What! Why?"

"Oh, Zhongli? Advertising our business to a few bards, huh? Haha~! I suppose we do keep a wide variety of options open..." A new— lighter voice spoke.

"... Director Hu," Zhongli nodded 'politely', a tick mark making itself very obvious on the side of his forehead as he now had to handle two children.

"Hmm? Who is this, Mr. Zhongli?" Venti mocked, wiggling his eyebrows as the consultant cleared his throat.

"Ahem. This is Director Hu, owner of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Director Hu, this is Venti— the bard. From Mondstadt."

"Oh yeah?" Director Hu rested a hand on her chin, observing the green-clad figure who merely stepped into the funeral parlor without any care in the world.

"One coffin for the bard, please!"

"Coming right up! I knew Zhongli always got the right clients!"

"As much as the idea of burying you alive fancies me, I would like to inform you all that Venti here is nowhere near his time—" Zhongli's words died in his throat as Venti and Director Hu went coffin shopping.


"Stop! What's all this about?" A woman called, the authority in her voice prompting the remaining millelith to back down.

Both the Traveler and Paimon winced at the sight before them.

There in front of them— was [Y/N]. And [Y/N] was busy impaling some millelith kindly with a random dull blade she found lying in a chest.

"Stand down!" A woman with purple hair and traditional-Liyue garments appeared, unsheathing her sword as it charged with bolts of electricity.

"Who are you? What is your name?" She aimed her sword in the direction of the adeptus, magenta eyes scrutinizing every fallen form of millelith soldiers as if she were racking up the death count.

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