[𝟐𝟒]. my sea

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"Oh, Traveler! Leaving so soon?" A familiar boyish voice cooed, obvious sighs leaving the blonde's lips as he pretended to ignore the ginger's presence

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"Oh, Traveler! Leaving so soon?" A familiar boyish voice cooed, obvious sighs leaving the blonde's lips as he pretended to ignore the ginger's presence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Where's [Y/N]? I wanna fight!"

"No. Get out."

"You wound me, truly. Where's [Y/N] though?"

"Not here."

Packing up some of his trinkets and materials into his seemingly infinite adventurer's bag, Aether wasted no time knocking down Venti's door in order to coax the bard into packing too.

"Packing? All I need is this lyre, thank you very much!"

"What lyre?" Childe scratched his cheek, squinting at Venti's vision as the archon pointed dazzling at it, imaginary sparkles surrounding it.

"My 'vision' can actually turn into a lyre!"

"Oh. Can you make mine turn into a sword?"

"If I had a Gnosis, sure I would."

Childe spared a close-eyed smile.

"Bennett! You're so lucky to be able to travel with Aether! Make sure to write back to me!" Xingqiu waved, pointing at the pen and paper he gifted the adventurer, gesturing his own.

"Sure I will!" Bennett threw a thumbs-up, giddy at the fact that he actually made friends in Liyue! Just wait until his dads hear about that!

Skipping happily back to the hotel, Bennett's heart picked up at the way there were already multiple bags outside the door. It seemed as if it were just yesterday that he had arrived in Liyue while getting a piggyback ride from you. So much has happened since he had the honor of joining the Traveler's team back in Mondstadt, but more was still to come.

"When are we leaving, Aether?" The adventurer tilted his head, eyebrows knitted in thought as the Traveler shrugged on his backpack, glancing back at Venti who shuffled out of his room.

"When [Y/N] comes back. She told me she'd be out for just a bit."

"Am I not desperate enough?" You thought with a grimace, eyeing the turquoise stone Xiao had gifted you centuries ago.

I swear I'm supposed to channel my emotions into it... Shaking the azure shard around, you had expected at least a light breeze or something. But noooo, Xiao just loved making things harder, didn't he?

"Oh, [Y/N]? What are you doing here?"

Turning around, you were met with the sight of a certain half-qillin adeptus, eyes widening in shock at the sight of Ganyu.

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