[𝟐𝟐]. i see gold

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"What? What are you talking about?" You asked incredulously, listening to Paimon and Aether talk strangely about some Starsnatcher fellow.

"An adeptus! He called himself Starsnatcher!" Paimon cried, waving her arms around for emphasis as you deadpanned.


"... Okay, so, there's this adeptu—"

"I know. But what did they call themselves?"


"What kind of lame ass—..."

"[Y/N]?" A new voice interrupted your monologue, a hefty sigh leaving your lips as you turned around, [e/c] eyes clashing with yellow.

"Oh, Xiao. What's up?" You smiled nonchalantly, your hand stretched out to pat the male's shoulder as if he were a dog.

With your limited knowledge, you had concluded that dogs were much cooler than Xiao.

"Why are you here?" He disregarded your question, a tick mark making itself visible on the side of your forehead as Aether and Paimon scuffled away like caterpillars.

"Uh... because Aether told me to be here?" You blinked.

". . ." Xiao stared at you.

'So now you listen to what mortals ask of you? Tch. You've grown soft, [Y/N],' The Yaksha's irises reprimanded you, his gaze alone was enough to send chills down your spine as you began writing your will.

"Um, are we going to summon Starsnatcher?" Paimon waved, gesturing to the altar that Aether was meditating at.

"Yes," The Yaksha gave you a side-eye, "start the ceremony as I told you to. The rest can be left up to [Y/N] and me."

"Eh? Me?"

"You know how the dream traveler ritual works... right?" Xiao walked forward without waiting for you, his eyes narrowed.


His head whipped around to gaze at you in disbelief, almost disappointed that you didn't know such a sacred ceremony.

"Sure means yeah!"

"... Sure."


"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!" Aether cried passionately, unaware of the stifled laughs that left your lips as Xiao elbowed you (as gently as he could, but he won't admit that) in the ribs, ceasing your snickers.

After firing a couple of arrows at the Yaksha statues, Paimon huffed proudly with her hands on her hips, chin tilted upwards as Aether came up beside her.

"We finished the ritual, and we followed all the instructions to the letter!" The mascot exclaimed, head still held high.

"...Close enough," Xiao muttered coolly, ignoring Paimon's yells of protest and your burst of laughter.

"Where is one... Huh? You two look familiar," A man with a carbon copy of Xiao's mask emerged. If it weren't for the fact that the Yaksha was right beside you, you would've questioned this mortal's peculiar taste in masks that looked like they were from the prehistoric age.

"What's with one's body? One feels... light. Weightless!" The mortal looked around, staring at his arm and hands.

Is he stupid or is he stupid? Can't he tell he's transparent? You thought with a deadpan, watching this Snatcherstar ogle at his own appearance.

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