[𝟒]. confront stormterror

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"Well?" Jean looked over to the traveler and Venti, unsheathing her sword while Diluc adjusted his gloves.

"Let's commence! The battle of freedom!" The bard exclaimed, strumming his lyre as [Y/N] deadpanned, a hand resting idly on her beret as to not lose it in the wind.

Inching closer to the [e/c]-eyed girl, Venti shifted uneasily from one foot to the other, his discomfort blatantly obvious to [Y/N]'s perceptive eyes.

"Hey," the girl whispered, loud enough for only the bard to hear.

"Stop being so worried. We're going to save Dvalin and purify him with the help of the traveler, okay?" She cupped Venti's cheeks in her hands, the soft skin warm to the touch under her calloused and scarred palms, the countless numbers of blood and nightmares drifting off with each touch.

Staring into his turquoise irises, the hues swirled with the clouds above, emotions and stories unfolding with each blink and breathless stare.

Letting go of his face, [Y/N] walked up to the seal, leaving behind a surprised and paralyzed archon.

"We'll stay back here in case you need backup. Dvalin's power should attract some unwanted attention, we can hold any potential dangers away," Jean nodded, glancing at the girl who stood next to Aether, a small smile on her face after seeing the interaction [Y/N] just exchanged with Venti.

'I see. [Y/N] and Barbatos share a deeper connection than I had originally presumed.' The acting grandmaster thought with a sigh of relief.

Catching on easily, it seems that one more person in Mondstadt was aware of the unknown.

The unknown being: Who is [Y/N]?

"Do you want to glide by yourself, [Y/N]? Or do you want me to hold you~?" Venti cooed, slurring his words to sound like a baby's as you deadpanned.

"I don't know how to use my wind glider."

"Aww, you could've just said you wanted me to hold yo—"

Spinning around, you started pacing towards Aether, a tick mark on your forehead as you very kindly asked the otherworldly traveler to assist you with gliding.

"Ehh?!" Venti cried, a hand over his heart in hurt as Aether helped you with your wind glider.

"Behh," you stuck your tongue out at the archon, mocking his fallen figure as the traveler sweatdropped.

"So mean!" Venti wailed, melting into a puddle on the ground as Aether prepared for takeoff.

"Is he going to be okay?" [Y/N] asked, glancing over at Venti who had an arm wrapped around her waist. On any other occasion, such touch would fluster the girl, but after knowing Venti for a thousand years, it seemed as though she was numb to such affection.

"Yeah! I'm holding him up with the power of the winds, after all!" Venti had to yell over the wind, his grip firm and secure around [Y/N] as he stabilized himself on the ground, worried that she'd fly off the side of the platform.

Watching the traveler weave through the wind currents up in the sky, beams of lights shot from his person as the blonde aimed directly at Dvalin's corrupted crystal, honing in on it as the dragon thundered through the atmosphere.

"Watch out!" Venti exclaimed, tugging you away from the area of impact as Dvalin swept down to platform level, the Traveler appearing with it as Aether landed with a swift maneuver.

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