[𝟑]. sea of clouds

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Closing her eyes, [Y/N] was met with the faint smell of sweet flowers and windwheel asters, their aromas being carried with the wind.

Oh, and a fire burning.

Wait, what?

[Y/N]'s eyelids snapped open, her [e/c] eyes scanning the area, widening upon landing on a pale-headed boy—

—That was falling from a cliff.

. . . Mondstadt sure is strange... the girl thought with a grimace, supporting herself up with her sword as she began sprinting to the boy, pyro infused with the air before her as the girl propelled forward.

If only Venti were here. Where is he, anyway? [Y/N] looked around, her legs subconsciously working towards the free-falling boy as a gust of wind brushed past her cheek.

"You called?" A cheerful and light-hearted voice called, reminding [Y/N] of the birds soaring high above the mountains of Aozang.

"Just in time," the girl smiled, not needing to look to see who it was.

"Do you mind keeping that boy afloat so I can reach him?" She asked, unusually calm considering the conditions the boy was in right now.

"Hm? Sure!" Venti smiled, twirling mid-air as the falling boy abruptly stopped. Giving her an opening, [Y/N] rushed forward with pyro escaping her sandals. Arms wrapped around the boy, her flames mixed with the anemo and sent her flying upwards with the male in arms.

"I'll take payments in dandelion wi—"


"Wahh! You're becoming just like Master Diluc!" Venti exclaimed, a hand over his heart to feign hurt as the boy leaped out of the girl's arms.

"Thanks for saving me back there!" The boy patted himself down, straightening his ragged clothes as Venti and [Y/N] exchanged strange glances.

"I'll start heading back to the cathedral now. Once again, thanks, ma'am! I don't know what I would've done if I actually fell from that high..." the boy shivered, looking down over the cliff briefly before rushing back to Mondstadt, of course, tripping over air.

"Huh..." The girl deadpanned, looking over to Venti as if she were expecting an answer.

"What? Don't look at me!"


On your way to Stormterror's Lair, you were once again met with the sight of the same pale-headed boy stumbling down a hill.

"Hah...?" You sweatdropped, your jaw hanging open as the bow was recreating a tumbleweed.

"Is that the same adventurer from before? Such bad luck is cast upon his door..." Venti's eyes followed your line of sight, a hint of amusement rising in his stomach at the sight of the boy rolling down the hill.

"Err... should we, eh, save him?" You spared a side-eye to the male who was strumming his lyre happily.

"That is up to you, my friend!"

"Set me some background music, Venti," you grinned, getting into a running stance.

"Dashi run run run—"

You caught up to the rolling boy, grabbing onto his shirt as you yanked him out of the way from the mist flower right up ahead. Knowing him only for a brief while, you already had the idea of what would happen if he were to roll into that damned flower.

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