Chapter 1

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You would always think that Hogwarts would be a school free of the lies and rumors of your everyday witch and wizard, but everything changed when a new friend group forms in the school.

(The first chapters are a little short but they get longer)

*buzz buzz* I looked over to my phone to see someone calling me. To be honest it was too early. I didn't bother to check who it was.
"Hello..?"  I mumbled
"You better be ready Lani bear"
"Um, I'm sorry who is this?"
"Are you serious.... it's Dray"
Once I figured out who it was I decided it would be a good time to get up and get ready.
~Lani's Outfit~

Hold up while I'm getting changed" I said

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Hold up while I'm getting changed" I said.
"Why wasn't I invited..." Draco replied.
He has always slyly flirted with me but I never acknowledged it because if it was ever a problem I would tell Harry and that would shut Dray up quick, and if it was my brother he would be brave to even make a peep.
Without a second of air my step-brother had bursted through the door and snatched my phone off my dresser.

"Who are you talking to?" He demanded
Not me realizing I had Dray on speaker...
He was hovering over me holding the phone in front of my face
"Just look at the contact name dummie"
I saw his eyebrows furrow as reading the contact name
"Drakie... with three green hearts, you don't like him.. do you?"
"You speak as if your jealous" I started at the phone but he pulled away
"Tom just give me my phone back and no I don't like him.. he's my friend"
I hear Draco sigh on the other side off the phone
"You sure y'all are on the same page sissy..?"
"Tom, you know I have a boyfriend and don't call me that the last time I checked we weren't related"
"Isn't that better for you, and me" he said with a grin.
"What is that supposed to mean Tom?"
"You tell me." He dropped the phone on the bed, and left.

"I'm so sorry drakie, my step-brother just likes to mess with people, especially me."
"It seems he likes to do more than just mess with you."
"It's really nothing, I can't believe he thought I liked you."
"Yea...., I couldn't do that to Harry."
"Haha yea, Have you even spoke to Harry since we left school?" "He's been very confusing lately."
"Not much, mostly about scheduling for the new year, other than that, nothing.'"
"I feel like he's been more distant since mione moved back to his neighborhood"
"I've notice that too, the other day he said he couldn't hang out but 2 hours later he posted with her" 
He kinda sounded hurt while saying that.
"Anyways, I'm here so come on slow poke."
"Draco why do you never tell me these things, hold on let me get my bag."
I hung up and finished packing up my bag and grabbed my cat.
~Draco's Outfit~

I saw him from the window, and he always seems to amaze me with his style, I shook my stare because I saw my "wonderful" step-brother walking out to greet Draco

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I saw him from the window, and he always seems to amaze me with his style, I shook my stare because I saw my "wonderful" step-brother walking out to greet Draco.
I hurried out of my room and down the stairs trying to get out there for backup.

"Hey Draco!" I ran up to give him a hug out of breath.
"Hey Lani," He said with a huge smile and his arms wide open awaiting the hug.
As I rushed to Dray I felt a tug on my arm.
"Not so close sissy" Tom said with a glare.
"Mhm ok," I am so tiered with him bossing me around.
I finally got to Draco and hugged him like I hadn't seen him in years, it had been so long since I had hung out with someone and the hug lasted a little too long but I didn't mind. Neither did Draco.
"Hey, do I have to repeat myself?" Tom said sternly.
"Did I ask you to be my dad Tom!" I said while still holding onto Draco.
"Anything you want princess." He said with a wink.
"Back off her, you know she's with Harry." Draco said.
I could see the anger in his eyes.
"Dont you wish it was you Malfoy." He said with a deep stare
"You dont know what I want Riddle."
At this moment in time I don't think I have ever felt this much tension between two people, but it will all be good once me and Dray are in the car on our way to the platform.

"Come on, lets just go."  I said
"Ok, do you have all your stuff."
That's when I realized I had forgotten my bags upstairs.
"Hold on you boys behave while i go get my bags."
I started walking up the stairs when i felt someone's eyes on me.
I turned to see Tom. Ugh pervert.
"That wont be necessary, ill go get your bags lani."
I walked down the stairs passing him, "thanks."
"No problem." He said as he brushed his shoulder against mine. I finally met Draco back at the car. 
After a few minutes Tom appeared with my bags. Draco took the bags from Tom and hauled them into the trunk. Tom came over  to the passenger side of the car.
"See you soon." He whispered to me and shut the car door. I was relieved to leave him.
Now we could finally get on the road. I couldn't wait to go back to school. I couldn't wait to see Harry, and couldn't be more happy to be sitting next to Draco.

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