Chapter 11

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Cedric looked at me with bright eyes and came over to give me a hug. He picked me up and spun me around.
"You had me so worried." He said as he sat me down. He looked over at the door where Draco was.
"I see Draco found you." He frowned and then looked back at me.
"We just hung out for a bit by the fields." Draco responded quickly.
"Sounds fun, you'll have to take me there sometime Lani." Cedric smiled.
"NO, I mean it's private property, we probably shouldn't have been there anyways." Draco looked at me eyeing me to follow along. His expressions were far to easy to read when he wanted people to know what he was talking about.
"Well then we'd better get inside and eat some lunch, I think the twins were more worried about the elves not feeding us than you." Cedric laughed hugging me close to him.
"Do not!" The twins yelled from behind us. We all started laughing and walked over to the dining room.
Cho, Ginny, Pansy, and the twins were all sitting there. Ginny and Pansy had smiles plastered on their faces because i was holding onto Cedric instead of Draco.
"Lovely seeing you back Draco." Pansy snapped. Ginny looked shocked.
"Sure Pansy." He muttered sitting down.
"I see your still with Cedric, hmm if you can't chose one guy why don't you just take them all." Ginny exclaimed.

Everyone sputtered and choked their drinks and exchanged looks. Pansy broke the silence by laughing quietly.
"I think I've lost my appetite." I said as i pulled out my chair and left. I hugged my arms around myself as i walked up the stairs. "Only one more day" I said softly to myself. I went up to Cedrics room and sat down on his bed. I scrunched up my knees close to me and put my down to start crying. It was all so much. How could I ever chose. Draco...or Cedric. Cedric was always so kind to me and loved me more than anything. Draco on the other hand saw me as essential, he needed me. My thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door. I expected either Draco or Cedric, but it was the twins. They walked over and sat on either side of me.

We're really sorry for our sad excuse of a sister." Fred said.
"Yea, she likes Draco, and sees you as a threat I guess." George added.
"Is it really that obvious?" I asked.
"What is?" They both replied.
"Well, it seems Draco and Cedric both like me, but I don't know who to chose."
"We don't know much about love, but we do know that you didn't get much rest last night so why don't you take a nap and let your mind think on it." Fred reassured.
A nap actually sounded like a good idea.
"Ok, ok, you guys are the best." I thanked them and sent them on there way.

I changed into another one of cedrics hoodies because i was in his room. I took out the braid in my hair and slipped under the covers. I blew out the candle on my night table and darkness painted the room. The room got surprisingly dark without the lights on, even in the day time. The black out curtains served there job well, and before i knew it i was fast asleep. A dream had started. A wonderful one at that.

A meadow, shaded by the mountains surrounding it. A field full of pink, purple, white, and blue flowers. Tall grass and shrubs everywhere you looked. A path, lined with flowers led to a large tree. A rope swing hung from one of the leaf covered branches. I strolled across the path in an almost dance like way. Everything was so beautiful, so ethereal. It was dark, but light at the same time. The sky was tinted a beautiful lavender purple from the sunset on the horizon. I took the swing in both of my hands and started to swing back and forth. The breeze took my hair and made the small twine bow come out, releasing my blonde locks into the wind. I felt so free. Everything I ever knew, or wanted to know faded away with each swing. Letting go of all the worries that I've come across. Petals of the cherry blossom tree filled the air around me from a gust of wind.

"Wake up Alanna." A soft voice said as they brushed the hair behind my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Cho.
"It looks like you were having a wonderful dream."
I sat up and looked at her.
"Uh, yes, yes I did." I responded, still thinking of my dream.
It was very peaceful, like I was living life in the moment and not pressured by the world around me. It reminded me of being in the field with Draco. That was such a nice time and I sometimes wish life could be as still and pure as that moment was, but why would I dream about Draco. I mean I guess I was just with him but that doesn't seem right. I picked up my phone to see that it was around 6:00 pm and I went downstairs to see what everyone else was up to.
"Lani, you good?" I heard Cho say forgetting she woke me up. "Just a little faded that's all." I gave her a smile back
"Okay, well I'll be in my room if you need me" She said back. "Sounds good" I waved and walked downstairs.

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