Chapter 4

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As we entered the dining hall i was still pulling draco by his arm, it looked as if we were holding hands. We walked though the entrance and heads turned to look at us. But we didnt notice. It was like when we together we were always in another world and singled out every one else. That was interrupted when Cedric came up and tapped on my shoulder. He came up behind me and hugged me. Draco glanced at me, then headed to the slytherin table. So there i was, alone again with Cedric.
"Hey Lani" Cedric said still hugging me, he was going to say something else but was interrupted by dumbledoor making an announcement about the upcoming fall break. I was so excited because my parents were in France doing ministry work and they said Dray could back with me to our house in London.
"Hey Ced, what's up" I said after dumbledoor was done.
"Just wondering what you are doing for fall break"
I wanted to tell him what I was doing but then I remembered who it involved so I just said,
"Oh haha I'm just going home and hanging out with my step-brother"
"Fun, I wish you could stay with me tho" He said with a wink.
"Maybe some other time haha, but I'm going to go get some food." I was nervous around him, in a good way, and i always had butterflies in my stomach when he hugs me. I may have a little crush.

Time pasted and I mostly just hung out with Draco and Ced. School was hard for me, I was good at all the classes, but they just gave a lot of work. Draco, of course had to live up to the "Malfoy standard" and his grades were exceptional. After a few weeks of school Cedric and I had become closer and closer. Finally one day after school he led me into a forest. We walked for a little till he led me to an open spot next to a swimming hole. He had laid out a picnic with a basket and a small wrapped gift. It was the sweetest thing ever. The forest glowed around the water and everything was just so ethereal.
"Aww Cedric you shouldn't have done this, its so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." He said as he turned to me and gave me a small kiss on the head.
"Come on, i got you a little gift." And grabbed my hand and walked me over to the picnic. We sat down and first we ate before i opened my gift. The food was delicious, he must have gotten it from a near by muggle bakery that we all liked.
"Here, now open this." He handed over the small package.
I opened up the flimsy package and pulled out a beautiful light blue bathing suit.
"Wha...Cedric its almost winter, the water is far too cold."
"I used that water heating spell we learned last year." He said smiling and looking over at the small pool.
"You really thought of everything didn't you." I said as I learned over to give him a kiss.
He was really the best, this was everything I could ask for in a date and more.
"Well go on now and put it on." He pointed to a big oak tree.
"Right then." I grabbed the bathing suit and ran over behind the tree.
I quickly changed and ran back over to the mud and sand where he standing in his shorts.
~Lani's Outfit ~

"Gosh Lani why do you have to be so pretty

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"Gosh Lani why do you have to be so pretty." He said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.
He lifted me up and slowly walked into the water. The spell worked, the water was perfectly warm.
We just floated there for a bit till i accidentally splashed him. He was hair and face was soaked.
"Splashing now are we?" He said.
"No..I didn't mean t-." Before i could finish he splashed me back even more.
We both looked at each other and broke out into a splash war. We were laughing and ducking under the water trying not to get completely splashed in the face. Finally he came over and lifted me up and tossed me back into the water. It was the most fun I've had since the summer. He really brought the joy out in me, and I brought the joy out in him. We swam for a bit down a stream that led to another pool of water. It had an amazing waterfall. We swam to the waterfall and went behind it where there was a small rock ledge. He got out and helped me up. We sat there and just looked at the water flowing over and in front of us. He held my face close to him and kissed me. It was a long deep kiss, we had never kissed like this before. It was amazing. He pulled me closer to him and just kissed me more and more.
It started to get darker so we decided to swim back. Once we got there he wrapped me up in a towel. He said some spell and it cleaned up the picnic to where it looked like we had never been there.
"We'd better get back to the dorms now." He said and picked me up bridal style and started walking back towards the school.
"Your so amazing Cedric, you make me so happy."
"I'm happy your happy." He replied. And dropped me off by the slythern courtyard.
He gave me one last kiss and walked away. I just smiled and once he was out of view i just jumped and squealed like a crush-crazed school girl, which maybe i was.
I quietly snuck back into the common room. I tuned to close the door but when i turned back I saw Draco sitting on ther couch by the fireplace.
"You sure look happy." He remarked.
"Maybe i am."
"Why are you wrapped in a towel, and before you answer i know you were not in the shower."
"I was just with Cedric." I turned to go up the stairs but he grabbed my wrist before i could take a step.
"Where were you."
"Why do you want to know."
"Just tell me Lani!"
"Fine! I went on a date in the forest with Cedric, we swam in a watering hole and kissed under a waterfall! Happy now?"
"Oh, well I'm glad you had you good time." He said releasing his grip.
"I did, thank you, now goodnight Draco." I turned and walked up the stairs to my room. I went into the closet and put on some pjs, got ready for bed, and drifted to sleep.

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