Chapter 6

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I quickly jumped up leaving Draco's lap. Before I could open the car door, Tom came and opened the door for me. I got out completely ignoring him. I ran up to the front door, turned the key, and opened up the door not even shutting it on my way in. I ran upstairs to my room and flopped onto my big king sized bed. I got up and looked out the window to see the boys unloading the car. There mouths weren't moving. I fell back on the bed, taking it all in. I patiently waited for the boys to come in. A couple minutes later I heard my trunk slam onto the floor I tilted my head backwards to see Draco.
"Where's my room at?"
"Well actually, you're going to have to sleep on the couch, but you can set up your toiletries in my bathroom. And of course you can come and hang out here anytime."
"Well if I'm hanging out in here and cleaning myself what's the difference if  I sleep in here?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"Get it past Major Tom and all is good in the house."
"So you are saying you don't mind Lani bear?"
"Never" I said back to him with a wink.  
As always it was one of those awkward moments that are always cut off by Tom.
"Alana he is not sleeping in here." He said sternly
"Well you're old you go to sleep at like 9:00 we stay up later it's not like you can stop us, what do you even think is going to happen?"
"Loads of stuff Lani" He said back looking at Draco
"Okay what about a deal?" I looked at him then Draco who was obviously intrigued.
"Tonight Draco sleeps in here and before you go to bed you set up a hidden camera and you get it when you wake up. If we pass inspection he gets to stay in my room for the rest of the break. Deal?"
"Fine. But no looking for the camera or deleting footage"
"Sounds fine to me" I said with a smile. I looked behindTom to see Draco silently cheering. I think this is a great idea. Tom finally left and after we heard him walk down the stairs Draco ran and jumped on the bed.
"Hey" He said looking at me
"Sup Malfoy" I said giggling while looking at him I was holding my chin up with the palm of my hands and was still looking at him.
"What are we going to do before the camera enters the premises?" He looked at me with that look as if he already had something planned.
"I don't know you tell me." I said leaning in closer to him.
"What if we pretend we are in a Starbucks drive through...?"
"I think that could be arranged".
~Lani's POV ~
"I think that could be arranged" I heard lani say and it initially shocked me, why is she being so carefree? I wasn't going to question it because her actions were a win for me.
"So are you gonna do it." She said again.
I realized that i had been quiet for a bit now. I didn't want to leave her hanging so I leaned in cupping her face in my hand. I looked deep into her eyes. I could tell she was looking at my lips. Then before I could do anything else she forcefully kissed me.  I felt her smile as we continued.
He was frozen for a sec until I felt his cold hands on my checks. He started staring at me, at this point he was stalling. I just went for it, I was even surprised I was being this confident. This reminded me being back in the car at the drive-through I started to smile and after a bit he pulled away. All he did was laugh and then put his face in a pillow.
"You good Dray?" I asked him after a bit.
"We can't keep doing this." He said in a more serious tone
"Did you not like it, did I do something wrong?" I started overwhelming myself with worry. He then took my hands
"You were perfect Lani, I just don't know how long I can go just kissing you sometimes and being "close friends"
"I know,." I looked up at him he pecked my check then got up and walked to the bathroom. I thought about what he said, about how we were still just "friends". We both knew that we were more than just "friends." He walked back from the bathroom. He stared at me. He has one of those stares that give you chills, not in a scary way, but just spine numbing. I was feeling dominant, so i gave him a stare back, a type of flirtatious stare that i knew would catch his attention. I walked up to him and brushed my shoulder against his as I walked into my bathroom, I could feel him watching me.
"Don't flatter yourself Malfoy"
"You're making it pretty hard if I do say so myself."
I started to take off my makeup, before I was going to take a shower. He came over to me and held my face in his hands.
"You didn't tell me how beautiful you are without makeup."
"You never asked."
"I never had the occasion." He said as he was looking at me remove my lipstick
"May I?" He asked not breaking his eye contact
He griped my hang that was removing my makeup and leaned in, and let me remind you I was in total shock. TWICE in one day. He is really feeling himself today, but I still can't complain.
He gently kissed me then he grabbed my makeup wipe and held the back of my head while he started taking off the rest of my makeup. I feel the makeup wipe swipe against my lips. I was sad once all the makeup was off my face.
"Thanks, now get out." I pushed him out the doorway and slammed the door shut. I heard him laughing from the other side of the door.
"What, so you suddenly dont want me anymore?" He questioned.
I peaked my head out from the door.
"No, I'm taking a shower dummy."
"So you still suddenly dont want me anymore."
"I believe you can find something to do for the next 30 minutes. Now bye Drakie."
"30 minutes! I will never understand women" He said as he walked back to my bed pulling out his phone.
Time passed and i got out of the shower and dried off. I reached for my clothes but realized they weren't there. "Shoot." I said to myself. Well there was no other option. I wrapped myself in my towel and opened the door.
"Lani? Is that you finally?" He turned to face the door seeing me there in my towel.
~Draco's POV ~
Jesus Christ I said to myself. If Tom could see her now, I would be sleeping with the wolves tonight. But why was she in her towel. Does she sleep in that?
"Hey Drakie....i forgot my clothes out here so dont mind me."
"Dont mind you!? Are you serious right now."
"Oh hush."
She walked into her closet and my eyes couldn't help but follow her every move. I almost felt bad, but she didn't notice so I was in the clear for now. After she finished getting her clothes back on she walked out.
~Lani's Outfit ~

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