Chapter 3

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"What the heck are you doing!" I saw Draco mouth to Harry and Hermione.

At this point I was over shock and into my breakdown phase. I had hoped that this breakup wouldn't be messy or now to be honest, but maybe it's the universe saying it's time to start something new, with someone new.
I then looked out the window and Harry and Hermione had left and Draco was on his way back to the car.
He got in and picked up my chin with his fingers and said "He didn't deserve you" I felt lucky to have someone like Dray around in moments like these.

"Come on, lets get our stuff and head to the train.
When I entered the train I looked in each train car to see if any other place was open but sadly I ended up sitting back in the same spot as last year with Hermione and Harry.  Thankfully Draco said he would sit with me after saying hi to Crabbe and Goyle. He found me walking into the train car and followed me in.

"Hey Lani!" Harry said as if I hadn't seen anything.
"Hey Harry, how was your summer?" I said in a sulked tone.
"It was amazing, best one yet." He said with a quick glance at Hermione.
"I like how you think she's dumb, Harry." Draco blurted out.
"I don't think my girlfriend is dumb, now that wouldn't be nice" He responded.
"Yeah not nice." Hermione added.
"No one asked for your remarks, just stay in the corner quiet and steal someone else's boyfriend" I said
"Good one Lani" Draco said with a high five. 
"What do you mean." Harry said with a worried stare.
"As if I don't know that you have been distant from both of us ever since she moved back into your neighborhood. At first I thought oh he's busy, but now i know you were cheating this whole time." I said as tears started rolling down my checks. Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug and at this point his whole robe was soaked. It really made me sad to think I planned a future with him. I'm glad he cheated or I would have never found out the kind of person he was.
"Dray, why me? Is there something wrong with me?" I said in between sniffles
"It's all him, if you were mine I wouldn't want anyone else but you."

I wrapped my arms around Draco's neck and calmed down slowly but surely and drifted off to sleep knowing I would wake up at the castle back in my cozy green dorm with all the professors and all the adventures I would be home.
As the sun rose I woke up to me laying in my dorm and Draco no where to be seen. I checked the clock that said 8:23 am and I groaned as I had to wake up and face a day of pity stares from people and apologies.
~Lani's Outfit~

I decided to go a little basic since today was the first day after the break up

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I decided to go a little basic since today was the first day after the break up. I walked out of the dorm room to find Draco in his pjs on the couch watching TikTok and turned his head when he heard my door close and his eyes followed me to the kitchen area where I fixed myself a cup of tea.

"Yes Dray?" I said questionable.
"Oh nothing just enjoying the view."
"Hey, just because I'm a single women doesn't mean I'm immediately on the market so back it up buttercup" I said looking at him with a kissy face.
"Fine, but let me know when you are. I wanna be first in line" He said with a little grin.

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