Chapter 15

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~ Cedric's POV ~
I woke up to Lani laying in my arms, she must have not left after the movie. I can't believe she was mine. No more Malfoy getting in the way. I hope nothing will change when he gets back. I gently woke Lani up, it was almost time for breakfast.
"Morning sunshine" I said to her as she slowly opened her eyes.
"Hey" She said with a smile.
"Do you want to go get breakfast?" I asked her
"Yes please, just meet me back at my dorm. I'm going to go get changed." She said as she got up.
"Bye" She told me and kissed me on her way out.

~ Lani's POV ~
I walked out of Cedric's dorm the next morning and was on my way back to my dorm to change. I took my phone out of my pocket and decided to call Draco.
"Hello?" I heard Draco say on the other side of the phone.
"Heyy, what's up bestiee?"
"Talking to you, why are you calling so early. Miss me already?"
"No Malfoy, well maybe just a bit." I could hear him laughing. It felt nice hearing his voice again. But just as friends, nothing more. I made a commitment to Ced.
"I miss you too, also i'm sending you something today so be on the lookout for a package." He told me
"Oooo, what did you get me?" I asked
"That's for you to figure out."
"Anyways I am about to get dressed and go to breakfast. I seriously wish you were here. I had to eat with Crabbe the other day."
"I have an idea." I heard him say.
"And what is that...?" I asked him, confused.
"We'll eat together!"
"Dray that doesn't make sense."
"Yes it does, I will facetime you and we will eat together just like old times."
"Wow how did you think of that?" I said laughing.
"Very funny, now call me when you get to the great hall. Love you." He said then hung up.

Did he just say that? Like I know he loves me as a friend but he has never said it to my face before. It was probably just heat of the moment stuff. I didn't think much of it and continued getting ready.
~ Lani's Outfit ~

A couple minutes after I got done Cedric knocked on my door

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A couple minutes after I got done Cedric knocked on my door.
"Come in!" I said
He walked in and came up and hugged me.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said with a bright smile.
"Why are you so giddy?" He said looking at me laughing.
"I was just talking to Draco and we figured out how we can eat together since he isn't here! Isn't that cool, now I don't have to talk with Crabbe anymore!" I told him.
"Draco?" He said questionably.
"Yeah, my best friend? You good Ced?" I asked looking at him.
"Why were you talking to him?"
"Because I wanted to, I can do that right?" I asked a bit annoyed.
"Preferably, no. I don't think he's a good influence for our relationship." He said, staying calm.
"Oh, sorry. Let's just not worry about it if it makes us stressed. Ok?"I said trying to end the conversation.

Of course I would still talk to Draco. I just wouldn't tell Ced about it. He has no right, I'm sure he was just being over protective. I hope. We walked to breakfast together a bit quiet and once we entered the great hall we went to our tables. I called Draco and immediately he picked up.
"Hey" He said
"You good?"
"I think so, not sure."
"Oh okay, well I fixed breakfast and I am sitting at the table eating so it's more realistic."
"Perfect" I said giggling.
"So what are your plans for the day?" He started with.
"I don't have too many classes today but me and Ced were planning on going on a little hike. How about you?"
"Fun. I have some work to do with my father and i'm not really sure what it's about. I will get back to you on that." He said laughing.
"Yeah." We continued with our small talk until breakfast was over. I headed to my first class and it was potions. I was pretty good in this subject so I just chilled and dozed off.

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