Chapter 9

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~ Draco's POV ~
It would only be a few minutes till we got to the manor, and to be quite honest I wasn't jumping with joy. I wanted it to be just me and her, her and me. This would have been my opportunity. I wanted her to love me. I don't know why she didn't already. We had hung out so much. But then again what do I know about love?
By the time we got close to the manor it was already dark. We would eat dinner, then. Go to bed. With her. There was plenty of bedrooms for all of us, but i wanted her to stay close.
~Lani's POV ~
I woke up by a kiss on my cheek. I looked up to see Cedric, I smiled, then remembered Draco. He leaned into kiss me again but I hesitated,
"Uh..not just yet." I said out of empathy.
"Ok my love." He responded.
My mind rushed with ideas. Was he just calling me that, does he actually love me, if he loved me would I break his heart if i told him about Draco, what if i didn't tell him about Draco?
I realized where i was, oh no. I had fallen asleep in his lap. I must have made a face because Cedric asked if i was ok.
"Yea..I'm fine."
"Did you have a good sleep."
I actually did, i didn't even remember going to bed, and apparently i slept though the twins singing, that was a miracle.
"One of my best sleeps yet actually." I responded.
"Well feel free to sleep here anytime again."
"Maybe I will."
"Maybe or Yes."
"Maybe.....oh look were here!" I said as I stretched over Cedric to look out the window.
As we pulled up to the manor, i was in awe. It was so beautiful. I really couldn't wait to stay here for the next 4 days. But i don't know what I'll do about Draco or Cedric. They both seemed to like me, well Cedric loved me and Draco won't open up to me so i didn't know what I would do. Maybe I could make that my goal for the trip. Try to get Draco to open up to me about his feelings. Before long, Draco parked the car, and everyone started getting out. In total, there was 4 guys and 3 girls. We would have invited Hermione, but well that didn't work out.
Once everyone was out of the car we got our bags out of the bag, and headed for the grand entrance. I stoop next to Draco as he pulled out a large key, unlocked, and pushed opened the door. It was even more amazing on the inside. It was a huge room. There was black and white checkered marble floor and a huge double stair case that sided each wall of the entrance. There was silver crested chairs and tables the was to the left of the foyer. Everything was so elegant, yet dark. I turned to Draco,
"It's beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." He said as he leaned over and kissed me. Thankfully no one saw.
"You got a real nice place here huh Malfoy." Fred said looking into the huge room. Everyone agreed. Then Draco showed us inside.
"You can leave your bags here for now then after i show you around the house I'll show everyone to there rooms." Draco said as he stared walking.
I still couldn't believe i was here, i wish i lived in a manor like this.
When we were touring the mansion one room stuck out to me, the study. It was filled with books and paintings and old paper scrolls. I just stared in amazement till i felt someone tug on my arm and pull me towards the rest of the group.
"You stay next to me, this house isn't meant for wandering." Draco said gripping my arm tightly. He seemed quite agitated.
"S-s-sorry." I said back.
We kept walking for a little more then he showed us outside. There was a huge garden with small ponds and tons of shrubs and trees that were perfectly cut. I looked closer to where the outdoor deck was and there was a huge stone pool and a hot tub. I squealed with enjoyment.
"Everything ok Lani." Draco said.
I just pointed to the pool and hot tub.
"You can join me there later."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, Lani bear."
We then all walked back inside and picked up out bags and went upstairs.
"All the bedrooms are upstairs so you should have no reason to be downstairs at night." Draco explained.
"Sir yes Sir." Fred said laughing.
Draco walked passed him knocking him a bit in the shoulder. He told us there was two wings of the upstairs. The East wing and the West wing.
"Fred, George, Cho, Ginny, and Cedric, you can pick any bedroom in the East wing that is open."
"And where will miss Alana stay?" George questioned.
"Where do you think she's gonna stay George." Fred said then looked at Draco.
Everyone looked at me, then Draco. I looked up to him too.
"Lani will stay with me in my room."
"Uh...." i said as everyone exchanged looks again.
"I think she's old enough to sleep in her own room Draco." Cedric said as he walked closer to me.
"When here's some news for you, there is no more bedrooms and all the bedrooms in the West wing are of limits except for mine."
"O-ok." I said nervously. But secretly i was happy to stay with Draco.
"Nothings gonna happen guys." I said trying to break the silence.
"That's what they all say." Fred said.
"Be quiet Fred." Draco snapped back.
"Now everyone go set up your stuff in the room you chose." Draco told everyone.
Everyone split up and walked to the rooms.
I followed Draco the other direction, i looked back and saw Cedric frowning at me. I just shook my head and shrugged in response.
Draco lead me into a huge round room with a fireplace, a huge bathroom, and a marvelous bed fit for a king.
"This is where we will stay." He said.
"Wow this is incredible, are you sure you want me staying here."
"I would want nothing more." He leaned down and kissed me on the head. I smiled and gave him a small kiss back.
"Lets go see how the others are doing." He said as he held my hand and walked me over to the East wing. The first thing we saw was Fred and George fighting over one of the rooms. We simply passed them and walked over to Ginnys room. She was trying to lift her bag onto a table and almost dropped it before Draco swooped in and caught it. She looked at him for a while then she turned away blushing.
"Thanks Draco." She said to him.
"Yea no problem."
Draco walked back to me and picked up my hand again.
"I think Ginny likes you haha."
"What, no way."
"Did you see the way she looked at you, she is definitely crushing on you."
"What can i say, I'm irresistible."
"What ever." I said back.
"Your not gonna leave me for her are you?" I teased.
"The fact you even think of that is disgusting." He responded.
We both laughed and went to check on Cho.
"Hey guys!" She said.
"Hey Cho, hows it going?"
"Perfect, thanks again for letting us stay here Draco."
"Yea." Draco said back eyeing at me.
"Lets go check on Cedric now-." I started towards his room but Draco stopped me.
"I'd rather not Lani."
"Come on Draco, then I'll just go by myself."
"NO, i-i mean no."
He finally came with me to Cedrics room. I walked in but i couldn't find him.
"You stay right here." I said to Draco as he stood outside the door.
"Cedric, Cedric?"
"I'm right here Lani." I saw him as he came out of the closet. He was just hanging up his clothes.
"Did you need something Lani, or just came to talk."
"I just wanted to check on you."
"You...wanted to check on me." He looked up at me confused.
"Shouldn't you be with Draco?" He said and looked away. I kneeled down next to him.
"I'm not dating him Cedric."
"No, your just cheating on me." He said back.
"Cedric I- I'm sorry."
"I know you are." He said back blankly.
I got up but stumbled a bit and fell onto him.
"Don't be." He said getting up then helping me up.
I saw Draco peaking though the door.
"Uh i got to go." I said and left to see Draco. I forgot how much i liked Cedric. He was so nice and caring.
"Draco, cant i have my own room?"
"Why, you don't want to be with me."
"No, i just want my own space."
"Fine, you can sleep in the room across from mine." He said sternly and walked away. I just frowned at him. He went over to where everyone else was and announced that dinner was ready and wanted us down there in ten minutes. He walked down the stairs and Ginny followed close to him. Fred and George were still talking, i went over to see Cedric. I still thought of him. I still liked him. I only liked draco because he basically forced me to like him, especially after the past few days. I was done with it. I walked into Cedrics room and called for him.
"Came back for me?" He said smiling.
"Yes, actually, and its time for dinner."
He walked passed me but I stopped him and kissed him softly on the lips.
"What was that for?"
"I think i still like you." I said back.
"And i think i still love you." And he kissed me back.
We both looked at each other and grinned.
"Lets go eat." He said and picked me up bridal style and carried me down the hallway and stairs into the dining room. We were both giggling and laughing that we didn't notice the people staring at us. It was just like being with Draco, but better.
Once Cedric noticed the people looking at us he quickly put me down and we walked to our seats like nothing happened. Draco looked mad. It made me happy. What Fred said next made him even more angry.
"Goodness Lani we've only been here for 3 hours and you've been with 2 men."
"Guess that means were next." George said as he turned to Fred.
I just looked down in disappointment. Is that really how they saw me, being with a different guy every day? It wasn't my fault i was in a love triangle, was it?
Draco kicked me from under the seat.
Everyone looked at me.
"That hurt what the heck!" I whispered to Draco.
"What were you doing with Cedric."
"Well obviously it was something so just tell me."
He kicked me again.
"Tell me." He said sternly.
"He just picked me up and walked me down, that was all." We stopped whispering as the food came out. It looked so good, I hadn't had food this good since Hogwarts. Everyone was silent as we at, we were all so hungry. Once everyone finished we all joined each other in the living room to watch a movie. Fred and George were laying on the floor looking up at the TV. Cho sat in a chair to the left and Ginny sat on the same couch as Draco, but not to close to him. Me and Cedric sat on the other side of the couch. We sat close together snuggled up in a blanket. Then he asked me a question.
"Hey, wanna go do something else?"
"Yea sure, what" I said eagerly.
"Lets go in the hot tub."
We watched the movie a little longer then i got up.
"I'm gonna go head to bed." And i faked a yawn.
"At 7;00?" Fred questioned.
"Yea...uh Cedric can you come with me so i don't trip up the stairs."
"Of course." He said as he got up.
We walked up the stairs and left.
~Fred and George POV~
"I bet you 30 gallons they aren't going to bed Fred."
"I bet you 50 gallons they aren't going to bed George."
~Cedric's POV~
We walked up to our rooms and i told her that we would meet each other at the hot tub once we were done changing. She went into her room and I went into mine. I changed as quickly as i could, grabbed a towel and rushed down to the hot tub. It was really cool. It had led lights in the hot tub so it glowed a beautiful blue. I set my towel down on a near by chair and hoped in. I felt the warm water and hesitated because it was so hot. After a few seconds i got used to it. That's when she opened the sliding glass door. She was in a green bathing suit.
~Lani's Outfit ~

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