Chapter 7

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I woke up pretty late the next morning I could tell it was around 10:00 so I decided to check my socials before getting up. When I put my phone dow I sat up and stretched noticing Draco wasn't next to me. I didnt bother to worry where he was so i laid back down. I thought about last night, it was such a blur.  When I finally came to my senses  I noticed the shower was on. It must be Draco. He was humming our favorite song (Imagine your favorite song). Then the water turned off and I heard the shower curtain slide. He probably thought I was still asleep and I wanted to keep it that way. He walked out of the door in his towel and he stared at me and smiled then went to his trunk and picked out clothes and sat them on the foot of the bed. He came over to me and water from his hair dripped on my check and I was up. I got up quickly but my eyes had no problem scanning the man right in front of me. I didn't even notice but my mouth opened and he laughed .
"Good morning Lani bear." He said crouching down to be at eye level.
"Hey" I said smiling at him and looked at his eyes
"You ready for today?"
"Is it ok if I say no?"
He laughed and put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.
"Come on get up so we can go get some breakfast"
"Why can't we eat here?"
"You really want to do that?"
"Yeah you're right.."
We got up and got ready.
~Draco's and Lani's Outfits ~

 ~Draco's and Lani's Outfits ~

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~Lani's POV ~He came out of the closet as I was walking into the bathroom to finish getting ready

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~Lani's POV ~
He came out of the closet as I was walking into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
"You look good Dray" I said with my hands on his shoulders.
"As do you" He said as he followed me to the bathroom.
I started to put on makeup, when he stopped me.
"You dont need that, what if today you didn't wear any."
"Yea and go out looking like a zombie, i think not.
"If you look like a zombie then your the the most beautiful zombie I've ever seen." He said as he moved my hair behind my ear.
"And how many zombies do you encounter?" We both laughed.
He gave me a light kiss on the cheek and turned to walk out the doorway. I followed him, but he stopped turned around and lifted me up on his back.
"Draco, what are you doing." I said as he started walking.
"Giving you a piggy back ride." He said that if it was completely normal.
"And why, may i ask."
"Because someone like you shouldn't have to walk down the stairs." Once we made it down the stairs he carried me to the counter and sat me down. Before he turned to make some coffee i kissed him.
"Now what was that for." He asked.
"I don't know, i just think-."
"I'd like to be rewarded more often." He leaned in close to me again, but before we were about to kiss I felt a sort of dark cloud over me. Tom. I leaned away from Draco and looked to my side. I had been trying hard to forget about him, but it was nearly impossible.
"Good morning." He said to the both of us.
I knew Draco wouldn't respond, so i was the one left to say something, but I couldn't say anything.
"Answer me, wont you, don't be rude." He looked to me.
Ugh I couldn't even look at him. I turned away.
"She obviously doesn't want to talk to you Riddle. Draco said gritting his teeth.
"I think she can talk for herself, thank you Malfoy. 
I finally worked up the courage to say something.
"I don't feel well this morning, and if i were to talk to someone it wouldn't be you. Ever." I hopped off the counter and walked to the living room. I plopped myself on the couch. Draco comes over to the couch and sits down next to me. It is so weird how Tom has a way of draining all of our energy.
"You want to get breakfast?" I asked while tilting my head up to look at his tall frame.
"Yes please" He stood up and offered me his hand and helped me up. We walked to the door grabbing the keys on the way out.
Where are you goin-?"  Tom says but is cut off by the door shutting.
Draco and I got into the car and decided to go eat at Waffle House. I loved pancakes.
"So what's the plan?" Draco said as he started the engine.
"What do you mean?"
"Your step-brother isn't going away anytime soon and from his actions last might I'm not sure I want him around you." 
"Draco, I'll be fine he can't hurt me" I replied with but i didn't completely agree with what I said.
"Are you serious! We both know that's not true."
"Calm down it's fine we will be back at the castle in 6 days."
"I can't risk you getting hurt even more than what has already been done. Lani I hope you know your step-brother's behavior is not normal/"
"Trust me I know."
"You keep saying that, why would you keep saying that then not defend yourself after what happened!"
"I dont defend myself because I'm scared Draco, he's psycho. What type of person would KISS there step-sister."
"That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around Lani, I understand why he's attracted to you but I don't know why it's such a toxic way."
I thought about what Draco said as we finished our drive to Waffle House. He seemed angry that Tom liked me, almost like he was jealous... again. I remember the first time he was jealous, it was after he walked in on me kissing Ced. I realized I hadn't spoken to him and I decided that after breakfast I would text him. I almost felt bad for Draco because I was technically still with Cedric, but he didn't know. It still doesn't matter what Draco says about our meaningless kisses because I know that's all they'll ever be. But how could i tell myself that, i thought i liked draco, we were "more than friends" or so i thought. As the conversation progressed he seemed to act as if he thought of me like a sister not a girlfriend.
"Draco..?" I decided I should ask him questions because at this point i didn't know what to do.
"Yeah Lani?"
"Do you like me, like like me?"
"Hey look, we're here" He said awkwardly dodging the question
We both got out of the car and walked to the door, I think I speak for both of us when I say it was awkward. I told myself after the kiss in the drive through that I can't ruin this relationship because it means to much to me but it seems as if I need to work fast or there might not be anything for me to repair.
Once we were in Waffle House, the waiter seated us, and then asked us what we wanted to drink.
~Draco's POV ~
"I'll have a cup of black coffee please." I said to the waiter.
"And I'll get some apple juice."
"Apple juice?" I questioned her.
"I only get coffee if its at Starbucks." She explained.
The waiter left and we started talking about random things till she heard her phone ring.
~Lani's POV ~
I was talking with Draco when my phone started ringing I took it out of my pocket to see Ced calling.
"Hey, Draco I'll be right back I have to take this."
"Oh ok"
I got up from the table and walked outside, i knew the bathroom would be to grubby. I finally answered the phone.
"Hey" i said nervously.
"Hey Lani."
"Did you need something Cedric?"
"Uh...I remember before the break when we had that fight."
"Yea...I remember."
"Well we never really broke up, so i wanted to know where are relationship stands."
"Uh..Cedric i dont really kno-."
"But i still have feelings for you."
"Right now it's really hard for me to sort out my feelings, what if we get together for some coffee when I get back."
"Sounds good Lani"
"Yea, well bye Ced"
I walked back into the restaurant to see Draco in the booth where I left him, he looked at me as I walked in.
"Who was that?" He asked right as I sat back down.
" one important really."
"Well it seemed important."
"Draco. Seriously it was just Cedric."
"What is he doing calling you..he doesn't want to get back together does he?"
"Well we never really broke up in the first place...were still sorting things out."
"You mean your still dating him?!"
I shouldn't have said anything, now Draco's gonna be really mad at me.
"Yea kinda." I responded.
"So you mean to tell me that all the stuff over the last two days meant nothing."
I didn't know what to say, it didnt mean nothing, but it had to mean nothing. Technically i was still with Cedric, and he still likes me, especially after that phone call.
"It's complicated, Dray everything that happened on the past two days were classified as cheating. I can't do that to Cedric, I am going to meet him for coffee when we get back then I can tell you the situation. But for now, you and me are not together, i will not cheat on Ced."
"Lani, I'm not sure I want to know the situation. This guy is where half of my anger comes from and it doesn't make it better when he gets the girl."
"Well he asked me first, if you liked me so much then why didn't you get the courage to come and tell me and we wouldn't have to deal with this."
"You told me the day before you met Cedric you were off the market and PERSONALLY told me I could be first in line, but I guess things don't work in Draco's favors."
"I thought you were kidding Draco."
"How could i be kidding. I was flirting with you all the time."
"Well i thought you were just messing with me, as a friend."
"Let's just eat and go home." He looked down at his food and stared eating. I felt bad, like really bad. How was i not taking his hints at school, I shouldn't have canceled his plans to be with Cedric, i should have stayed with him. This "friendship" is getting very hard to keep up with.
"I'm done" I told him.
He looked up and nodded and went to the counter to pay. As we walked out the door we stayed silent.
"Will this be the bump in the road that makes it awkward" I turned and looked at him in my seat. We were already driving.
"But your seatbelt on Lani." He said looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"I can't be responsible for you hurting yourself, so but your seatbelt on!"
Before i could stop him he reached over me grabbed the seatbelt and pulled it over me and buckled it in.
"There, I couldn't risk you getting hurt."
"Did i ask you to do that?" I said.
"No, but I'm telling yo to leave it on"
"Is that and order?" I reached to unbuckle it again. He stopped my hand and held it close to him.
I just sat there, he cant order me around anymore, he's not my boyfriend, and he's not my brother.
"Why do you act like you control me."
"I'm just protecting you, and i want you to be safe."
"I'm fine, I'm safe."
"Be real Lani, were you safe with Tom-."
"That was one time."
"Lani, its gonna happen more than once if I'm not there to protect you."
I knew this was the truth. I needed draco to protect me. I needed him always. He was always there for me. I had to ask him the question again.
"Draco you never answered my question from before." I saw his face lighten, he knew what i was i was talking about, but i still repeated the question.
"Do you like me?"
"Of course." He said calmly.
"No like do you like like me, as in more than friends."
"What do you want to hear?" He asked.
"The truth Draco."
He gripped my hand tighter and was silent on the way home, I don't see why he can't just open up to me.
"Why are you having trouble opening up to me!?" I said
"Because Lani, I always have problems with it."
"You didn't have a problem talking to Pansy!"
"She offered, and I needed to talk to someone."
"Why didn't you come get me?"
"Lani, I needed to talk about you. It would be hard to do that to your face."
"What did I do, ever since Harry broke up with me you have been different."
"You didn't do anything, I just need to figure out how I'm going to tell you this."
"Draco just tell me, please"
"No, it's the wrong place and clearly the wrong time."
I sat there and watched Draco all the way home. I wish I could have done something. I wish Cedric didn't call. There's so many thing I would change. I can't loose this, what we have is too special.

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