Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was going to meet Tom. Why was he here, should I have brought Cedric with me, what does he want? I had so many questions. I just went with my gut and made my way outside to the courtyard. Actually, I had to walk a bit outside the courtyard to an open spot with a couple trees. And there he was, leaning on one of the trees. I walked over to him, but still kept my distance.

"Lovely seeing you here." He said slightly moving away from the tree.
"What do you want, Tom."
"I just wanted to see you." He said smiling.
"Is that so...?" I asked with a sly glance.
"How was the manor?" He asked, getting closer.
"Fine." I said sternly.
"No need for the attitude Greene."
I backed away from him.
"There's no need to be afraid of me, I don't bite."
"I beg to differ."
"Lani!?" I heard my name and turned around and I saw Cedric running towards us. He didn't look happy. Why was he being so intrusive all of a sudden. It wasn't like this before break.

"Who's this, another one of your side pieces? First Draco now hufflepuff over here?" Tom said.
"Shut up, he's my boyfriend."
"Oh, finally up for commitment. Just he wasn't the guy I was thinking about you settling down with. So, where is Malfoy?"
"He's at the manor with his parents, he won't be back for a while."
"How delightful, so this hufflepuff is just your space holder till Draco comes back."
"That's not true." I said as Cedric came up behind me.
"You're lying to yourself, you know who you want. He's just a coward. He won't claim his prize."
"I'm not a prize to be won Tom!"
"I beg to differ." He responded sarcastically, almost whispering in my ear.
"Hey! Back off her!" Cedric said coming in front of me.
"Look here, he can speak. Of course to your rescue."
Before I could say anything to retaliate back Cedric swung a punch at Tom. Rooky mistake babe. Tom could get aggressive.

"I suggest backing up now before either of us get more hurt." I heard Tom say.
"Bring it on." Then they were off, fighting. Thankfully no wands were involved. Why were they being so immature?

"BOYS STOP!" I yelled trying to intervene. I walked closer to them trying to push them apart. They then suddenly stopped when one of them hit me, by accident.
"What the heck." I yelled with my hand over my cheek.
Tom stood there like kids do when their parents figured out they broke the vase and Cedric looked shocked.
"I am so sorry Lani, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me." Ced said.
"I don't need your apologies right now, just get me to my dorm and leave me alone for a bit!"
"Ok, ok." I heard Cedric say as he lent me his hand to get up. It did hurt. I just wouldn't let myself be weak.

"Tom I don't know why you came here, but please leave." I said calmly looking at him.
"Fine. I'll see you at Thanksgiving." He said as he walked off into the forest going lords know where. Finally he was gone.

I guess it was good to see a familiar face but then I remembered who's face it was. I reached my dorm and told Cedric just to go back to his. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I wasn't sad. I think I was just overwhelmed. It happens sometimes. I really needed Draco here right now, he would let me talk to him for hours. I almost called him until I realized our "agreement". I skipped dinner and just asked Pansy to bring me an apple back. I wasn't in the mood for socialization. As I ate my apple I watched a bit of a show and finished some homework. By the time I was done I decided to get ready for bed. I pulled the box from Draco out from under my bed and grabbed his sweater. How'd he know this one was my favorite. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I got into bed with the sweater and went to bed.
Tomorrow will be Wednesday, which means three more days until I get to visit Draco.

I woke up the next morning feeling a lot more rested. I got up and got ready. This was the first day I had actually wanted to get up. I put on some makeup then went to my closet to get clothes.
~ Lani's Outfit ~

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