Chapter 10

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~ Lani's POV ~
I walked into Draco's room because I still didn't know where mine was. I sat on the edge of the bed sobbing. Of course he never answered my questions about who he liked or if he liked me. He was dating Pansy! I should have known something was off. Maybe I should just learn to love Cedric the way he loves me. It seemed that was my only option.  I couldn't get over the thought of him being with Pansy. Why didn't he tell me, he could have at least told me. It made me so infuriated. I wanted to make him mad, no i needed to make him mad. I wanted him to hate me and love me. I looked at his sweatshirt across the room and an idea popped into my head.
I made way to Cedrics room. I needed a cover up I thought to myself. I carefully rummaged though his clothes in the dresser till i found his quidditch hoodie. It was also very large on me. It was perfect. I walked down the stairs and outside to the pool with my new "outfit". Everyone looked at me again, and Cedric grinned at me, and Draco looked confused. I slowly took it off overly exaggerating it.
"Hey babe." I said jumping in swimming to Cedric.
"Hey." He took me and I wrapped my legs around him and I kissed him. After a moment I felt him kiss me back.
"Get a room" Cho said laughing
"Will do.." I said with a wink
I saw Draco eyeing me as he was talking with Pansy.
~ Draco's POV ~
"She must be in love with him" I heard Pansy say
"No! She can't be." I replied
"Hey maybe this is your sign to move on." She nudged my shoulder.
"I've tried, but I can't Pansy."
"Go over and talk to her, see what's up."
I made my way over to the "happy couple" and I thought of how she had gotten over my situation so quick. She looked sad when she opened the door, what was happening.
"Hey Lani can we talk" I said to her
"Nah, I'll pass Malfoy" She said as she continued kissing Cedric.
They seemed to be enjoying themselves so I decided to ask again.
"Lani, talk to me."
"No, go get your girlfriend Malfoy I don't want you."
When she said that I had gotten worked up and I acted impulsively. I picked her up and carried her out of the pool and walked inside grabbing a towel on my way in. She was always so snarky but never like this.
"What is your problem man!" She said
"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing."
"Let me down, Malfoy."
"What about you try yourself." I said glancing at her then breaking eye contact.
"Make me" She said with a grin
Oh how I wanted to kiss her but I was scared of her slapping me. I leaned in and our lips connected again, but that stopped when she slapped me.
"What the heck man?!"
"I'm with Cedric, move on. And aren't you with Pansy?" She said squirming out of my grip.
"Are you really with Cedric tho, or are you trying to make me mad. If that's your plan well it's working! Is that what you want to hear?"
"What" She said perking her head up to me.
"I said if you were trying to make me mad, well it worked" I said shuffling my feet.
~Lani's POV ~
After he said that I knew he was nervous waiting for my response.
"Draco.." I said tapping his shoulder.
"Yeah" He looked up with a lined smile
"You make me mad too." I laughed as I pulled him close and rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his hands around my waist. He started humming and took one on my hands in his and we started to dance. It has always been one of my dreams to dance here, right in this spot. I smiled as I looked up to him. How could he always make me sane again. It had been an hour since I told myself I was mad at him but here we are slow dancing in the lobby.
"Good job buddy" I heard George say as he walked up the stairs. I laughed and closed my eyes and continued to
"It's getting late, lets go. I'll show you your room." Draco said taking my arm and continued to walk upstairs.  
"I think I'm going to stay with Cedric tonight.."
"I'm going to stay with Cedric tonight."
I pulled away from him and ran towards the door. I opened the glass sliding door and ran outside onto the concrete.
"Cedric!" I yelled a little because i couldn't see where he was in the pool.
"I'm going to be in your room!"
"Ok!" He yelled back.
I turned around to leave, but I turned back to say one more thing.
"And I'm staying with you!"
I could hear the twins laughing as i left to go back inside. Once i walked back into the house i went up the grand stairs and down the hallway, i saw draco in the corner of my eye, he was looking at me. I looked back and started walking towards him.
"Look Lani..I-." He started.
"No, don't you "look lani" me! Your trying to make me feel bad, and sure enough its working. Maybe i wanted to be with you maybe i even liked you a little, but your so confusing! Your so bloody confusing!" And i stormed off waiting for a response. I never got one. I ran into Cedrics room and threw myself onto his bed. I needed to get out of my swimsuit. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of his jerseys. I took off my swim suit and slid it over my head. It was light, flowy and oversized, perfect. I made the bed, got under the covers, and waited for Cedric. Soon enough he appeared at the door and his first question was
"Is that my jersey?"
"Yes." I responded pulling it out a little to show him.
"Are you wearing anything under it?"
"I don't want to answer that." I said smiling.
He walked over to the dresser and pulled out some shorts, then made his way to the bathroom. After a few minutes he came out in his shorts and got in the bed. I turned to him and simply smiled. I was always happy when i was with him. He lit a spark in me every time I saw him.
"Your so lovely." He said quietly and gave me a kiss.
I grinned and rolled over to my back.
"Do you know how happy you make me?"
"Yes Cedric."
"I love you Alanna."
I just stared at the ceiling and thought about saying it back, but i didn't feel like it was love yet. It wasn't love yet. He turned off the light and after a few minutes he was asleep. I needed to process everything. I needed to get away. I usually take walks when i need to clear my mind. I waited a few minutes longer till Cedric was fully sleeping. I got up quietly and grabbed my jacket. I walked out the door not even getting my phone. I got downstairs and walked out one of the glass sliding doors, the manor always had great places to go when you wanted to get away. I walked though an old gravel carriage road. It was surrounded by trees and the fog hung above me. I walked till my feet grew tired. And decided to go to a nearby guest house on the outskirts of the estate. It was actually nicer than I expected. There was a bed with a quilted blanket. I tucked myself under the blanket and slowly drifted to sleep.
The next morning I decided to get up late and walk to the nearby town with all the antique stores. It was nice being able to get away from the guys.
~Draco's POV ~
I didn't sleep to well the night before knowing that Lani was with Cedric last night. I walked downstairs to find all of the "friends" all at the table.
"What is going on?" I asked looking at them.
"Have you seen Lani?" Cedric asks.
"What? Wait, where is she!" I asked back raising my voice
"Draco calm down she's probably just out or something." I heard Ginny say.
"Yeah" I said getting loopy. I walked back upstairs and my lungs got tight once I got to my room I sat on my bed with my head in my palms. Not this again. I thought these were over. I had always had problems with them since I was little but once I met Lani they slowed down. I would absolutely die if she knew this happened when I overworked myself.
"Calm down." I said to myself
"She's ok Draco" I tried to calm myself down. This would have never happened if she wouldn't just stay in her room! I got up and rushed down stairs and exited the door. Thankfully none of them followed me out. I then thought of all the places Lani could be. I decided to start in the town, I made my way to the village with no other thought in my mind. "Is she ok?" After a few minutes of walking I made it and walked into the local cafe to pick up a coffee since I still hadn't eaten anything. I got my coffee and walked out of the building making my way to the town square. As I walked into the town square I saw her. Sitting on a bench reading a book. I felt relieved and my heart started beating at a normal rate again. I snuck up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.
"Guess who?" I said to her
"Hmm.. Cedric" She replied laughing
"Ouch." I said moving next to her on the bench.
"I knew it was you silly."
"You better have." I said wrapping my arms around her.
She hugged me back and we sat like that for a while. It was nice just being there with her, no one else. Not even Cedric.
~Lani's POV ~
I really thought I could be out longer before anyone decided to start looking for me, but I guess it was nice for Draco to show up.
"Once I figured out you were gone I don't think my reflexes had ever worked that fast." He said smiling
"That's sweet but why do you like me so much. I'm not special?"
"Or so you think" He replied
"Lets not go back just yet, we haven't hung out in a while and I think this could calm me down" I looked at him and grabbed his hand and he laughed and followed.
I walked to the first store I saw and dragged Draco along with me.
"Hey watch it, your getting too touchy."
"When has that ever been a problem to you." I said laughing at him, he looked so good in the morning and I just wish for one day we could be together more than friends but I know I know Cedric. There is nothing wrong with Ced I mean he's attractive and he's in love with me but sometimes I feel Draco understands me more, but maybe that's why we need to stay friends. I still couldn't help but hold his arm as I walked to the first store which happened to be a thrift store, my favorites. I immediately rushed to the sweatshirt section. I am a fashion geek but when it comes to comfy clothes I can't resist.
"Why the hoodie section?" I heard Draco say as he dragged his feet along with me.
"Because I want some big ones for sleeping in and stuff, they're also good basics with layering." I told him
"Just wear mine, I have plenty." He said with a smirk.
"Well if you're ok with that than sure." I said smiling and grabbing his wrist again to pull him out of the store.
"Draco since you lived here as a child what are your favorite things to do?" I asked looking up at him.
"I usually liked to run around in the fields with friends and play tag."
"Well come on show me where this field is!"
"You gotta keep up." He said as he took of and I followed.
There we were running through cobbled streets all the way to the fields as the sun was following our tracks. I finally caught up to him as he started to slow down and I looked out to the land approaching us. It was gorgeous, with all the flowers and the way the sun tinted the grass in the morning. I wish I could feel like I do now when we have to return and I have to face Ced. I enjoyed the moment and ran further and laid down in the grass.
"Lani, why are you laying down?" Draco asked.
"Just enjoying life Dray, you should try it some time." I said as I felt his body lay down next to me. I tilted my head onto his chest and watched the sky, taking in every sound and movement even Draco's heartbeat.
We sat there for a while, but I almost forgot about everyone else at the manor. We're they still looking for me?
"We'd better get back Draco, everyone at the manor is probably going crazy trying to find me."
"Oh yea i almost forgot about them." He laughed.
He got up and pulled me up with him. We ran back to the small town, and though the old gravel carriage road. We finally saw the manor though the mist. Every angle you look at the manor, it was always beautiful.
"Look." I pointed up at one of the balconies. It was Fred shouting.
"Lani where are you!"
"I'm right here!" I screamed back at him.
"Oh hey!" He said back.
Draco and i ran around to the front of the manor and opened the door.
Cedric was walking back and forth near the staircase. Then he looked to me.
"Lani thank goodness your ok." He said with relief.

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