Chapter 5

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Two more weeks pasted since the great date, and Cedric and Lani had been dating, secretly. Now it was finally time to leave for fall break.

I heard the sound of my alarm beep from my bedside table. I reached over to press snooze but someone's hand turned it off before i could get to it. I looked up from the phone. It was Cedric.
"Good morning sunshine." He came over to the side of my bed. He rolled over and hugged me.
"I didn't even see you walk in silly. I hugged him back.
"Are you ready for today, finally we get to leave school."
"You have no idea." I said looking straight into his eyes.
He leaned over, now so close our foreheads touching.
"I'm gonna miss you." He whispers.
"Same." I said bluntly.
"You ok." He asked.
"Yea." I said getting up to pick out my outfit. Cedric followed me to my closet.
"You sure.?"
I pulled him into the open closet, and he held me close. Our lips touched and there we were, our second big kiss with each other. I never felt more happy. He kept kissing me, i could tell Cedric was enjoying the kiss too. We were both happy. I heard my door close, it was draco. I saw his cold grey eyes look at me. Clearly Cedric didn't hear it because he didn't look up. Draco looked disappointed and then he turned around and he was gone. This time Cedric heard the door because it was slammed closed and he stopped.
"Hey, I'll be right back." I told him.
"Ok, just don't take to long." He smiled.
I ran out of my room to find Draco and I saw him walking upstairs to get into his room. Of course I followed him and once I got up to his room I knocked to see if he would even talk to me.
"I don't need your pity Alana" I heard him say.
"Please Draco let me talk to you."
"Instead of taking to me why don't you go back and kiss Cedric."
At this point i was mad too because he refused to even listen to what it was gonna say.
"Since you insist, I will." I said hoping to make him jealous.
"Actually...wait." I heard him get up, and come to unlock the door. He opened the door and looked me.
"I knew that would catch your attention."
"Just tell me what you wanted to say Lani." I was relieved that he was now calling me by my nickname.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that."
"It's fine, sorry i got mad at you, I shouldn't get mad at you for being happy."
"What makes you think I was happy."
"Well you sure seemed like you two were having a good time." He said and grinned.
"Ugh..Draco stop it." I said and gave him a light punch.
I heard Cedric calling my name.
"You better go back to your Cedric, you wouldn't want to keep him waiting."
"Omg Draco please stop."
"See ya later Lani Bear." He laughed.
I turned and rushed down the stairs to meet Cedric, who I ran into on my way down
"What are you doing Lani" He said and looked at Draco watching me talk to him.
"Oh nothing just getting my cardio in" I said laughing sarcastically.
"Why are you lying to me" He said grabbing my wrist.
"Ced it's difficult"
"No its not Lani me or him"
"If you were really my boyfriend you wouldn't make me choose." I said
I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't I really thought me and Cedric could have made it through my close relationship with Dray but he clearly had some trust issues he needed to sort out. I was about to say something but Cedric had already left. I fell to my knees on the stairs and I felt Draco's ringed hand rub my back. He sat next to me
"Why don't we both go get ready and get packed I'll meet you back down here" He said calmly, he lent me his hand so I could  stand. I walked to my room to finish packing and then to my closet to pick out my clothes. I remembered Cedric, ugh I cant believe i kissed him here. I got over my feelings as much as i could, i mean he technically didnt break up with me. I'll talk to him about it after the break. I chose my outfit and got dressed. I looked to my bed and saw my clothes folded out on the bed, i had put them there the night before so i could pack them up in the morning. Once i got finished putting everything in the trunk I packed in my toiletries and some jewelry. I tried to lift up my bag, but it was far too heavy. I needed some help. I turned and walked out the door to find Draco. I saw him sitting on the couch in the common room. His perfectly packed trunk was beside him.
~Draco's POV ~
I heard a door close, it must be her. I turned my head and saw her walking down the stairs. She looked so pretty, well she always did.
"Enjoying the view." She said mocking me.
"I am actually, should i get my binoculars?"
We stared at each other and smiled.
~ Draco's and Lani's Outfits~

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