Chapter 2

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Draco and I were just jamming out to music when I got this feeling that we should stop for something to eat.

"Drayyyy" I said poking him over and over again.
"What Lani, I'm driving." He responded kind of short.
"Um, I'm hungry can we stop."
"Yeah of course but I'm choosing".
"Ugh really, fine but choose it quick or I will eat you" I said jokingly.
"Sure, when, set up a time and a place and I'm there babe" He said side eyeing me but keeping his eyes on the road.

He was always careful when driving me around, told me I was "precious cargo". It's almost like when Harry and I got distant Draco would conveniently always be there, not in a over intrusive way, just there. Then I realized we had been sitting there awkwardly so I broke the tension with saying.
"Wouldn't that be a treat for you, I'll have to check my schedule to see if I have time for such things."
I laughed as I was looking at his blonde hair.
"Like what you see" He said laughing with his cheeks tinting a lovely shade of red.
I guess I had looked a little too long, most off the time I can get away with a quick glance at him without him noticing.
"AS IF DRAY" I said laughing.
"Now choose a place to eat, seriously" My voice became serious and stern.
"Okay, how about Starbucks" He perks his head at me.
"Sure, sounds good".

We approached the window and Draco ordered and I can't lie when I say most places we go people will ask for his snap, and he usually gets weirded out and says no because he's cold to people he doesn't know. He ordered a plain black coffee and he already knew my order so he ordered me an iced caramel mocha. We pulled around to the first window and was greeted with a girl who seemed about our age.

"Y'all make such a cute couple, your lucky you got someone as cute as him." She said not breaking her stare at Draco.
"Oh, we are actuall-" I said but was abruptly cut off by Dray.
"We are perfectly together and happy so shoo you filthy little muggle" He said to her.
"Why am I having trouble believing you." She said raising an eyebrow.
"What do you mean we are so a couple, and I'll prove it" He said with a confident stare at me.
"Yeah right" She scoffed.

In that moment Dray was leaning over and looking at me in a way that I knew what was going to happen. He gave me that questionable look to ask if I was good with the situation, I nodded and he grinned leaning in close before I could blink it had happened, well was still happening.

~Draco's POV~
Here we were. Finally the moment i have long awaited for. I was confused at first when she said I could actually kiss her. I really wasn't expecting it. This was just meant to be a decoy for the girl in the drive though, but it was more. I was surprised that she kissed me back. This was going on longer than we both had expected. This kiss felt.. right.
"Umm.. ok I believe you now" She said rolling her eyes.
"Here are your coffees, have a good day." She ended the convo as we started to drive off.

~Lani's POV~
As Draco pulled away to grab our coffees I didn't even feel guilty for what Harry would think I just kinda wish that the kiss would have been under different circumstances. Like instead of a kiss that meant nothing to prove a point to a Starbucks worker it could have been a real moment, but i know Draco doesn't like me like that. We drove off in silence. We dared not to speak a word about the kiss to anyone. But before we forgot about the kiss altogether i had to ask him some questions.
"Umm Draco," I looked over to him.
"Yes lani." He replied.
"I have a few questions....erm about what just happened."
"Shoot" He said in full confidence but I couldn't tell if he was in the slightest scared.
"Why in the world did you do that instead of just giving her a fake number."
"Because if I gave her a fake number we might have never been able to kiss."
"I thought you liked Pansy. She's nice"
"Yeah, I guess but she's not you."
"Draco.. you know what could happen, I'm dating your best friend even if we both want just can't happen."
"Are you saying you want it?" He said looking at me with his grey eyes.
"I don't know yet, i need to figure things out first."

He smiled and looked back towards the road, I looked out the window to see the train station approaching.
As we pulled in to park I saw Harry's car two spots away and I was about to get out until I saw he was opening the passenger door and out popped Hermione and planted a kiss right on Harry's lips. I think I just sat there stunned until Dray noticed and got out of the car. Things were about to get messy.

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