Chapter 13

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"What was that for! You could have just asked!" I screamed. He had yanked my arm pretty hard.
"What happened last night. I want the truth." Cedric said looking at me.
"Nothing, we watched a movie and went to bed! What more do you want me to say?" I snapped back at him.
"If nothing happened, why did you come down to the foyer with him and all hugged up on him in the car?"
"He's leaving... is that what you want to hear. His parents are pulling him out and we don't know when he'll be back. Don't tell the others." At this point I had started crying, it was surprising how tough of a subject this was. Cedric tried comforting me but I just opened the car door and walked to the group. Draco heard the car door shut and saw me running out with tears dripping down my face. He ran up to me and wrapped me in his arms, then letting go once he saw Cedric getting out of the car a few minutes later.
"I'm gonna kill him!" I heard him mumble before storming off. Cho ran up to me and immediately asked me what was wrong.
"Hey is  everything ok,  I just say Draco and Cedric they didn't look happy." She asked.
"I really don't know..." I said, trying to fix my makeup.
"Why don't we go watch... it might be fun." She said slyly, nudging my shoulder. I didn't sound like a half bad idea, it would be nice to know what they were talking about. We headed over to the corner of the restaurant where the boys were, making sure no one else followed us. We got close enough to them so we could hear.
"What did you do to her?" Draco exclaimed, shaking Cedric by his shoulders.
"Nothing, I swear now let go of me dude." He responded.
"If it was nothing why was she crying? Care to explain Diggory?" Draco said calming down and releasing his arms off his shoulders.
"She was crying about you.. Ok?" Ced replied scoffing.
"OMG THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU!" I heard Cho scream, almost catching their attention.
"Hush, they'll hear you." I said looking back at her.
"Why are you so worked up in what she does?" I heard Draco continue.
"Because she's mine, so I would appreciate it if you backed off. She doesn't need you. Maybe it's good your parents are making you leave." Cedric rambled back.
"She hasn't chosen yet." Draco looked almost as if he took offense to Cedric's last comment.
"Jeez Cedric's a jerk!" I heard Cho say.
"If you speak one more time you're going to blow our cover" I responded. I was very annoyed that Cedric thought of me as mine or his, not just Lani. Was this all a game to him?
"Promise me one thing, okay?" Draco said.
"And what will that be Malfoy?"
"Just keep an eye out for her, keep her safe."
"I'll do more than just that, don't worry." Cedric replied with a wink. Draco's nostrils flared and we decided to walk back before they noticed we were there.
When the boys arrived back to the front porch of the restaurant we all walked in and Draco checked for our reservation. We all got down at the table, I was still ticked off at Cedric after Cho and I had easedroped on their conversation. I sat in the middle of Draco and Cho and Cedric to the other side of Draco. The twins and Pansy had gotten close so they sat together and Ginny was all alone at the head of the table.
"You good?" I heard Draco say.
"I think so, well. I had a question for you." I said looking back up to him.
"Anything, what is it?"
"Will you be staying at the manor or some place else?"
"The manor." He replied
"Oh, so I can come and visit?!"
"Look I really don't want to talk about this right now."
I frowned and broke our stare and went on my phone just looking around, but then Draco grabbed my hand.
"That doesn't mean I won't ask." He said with a forgiving smile. I gave him a side hug and then we started scrolling through my phone together. After about 15 minutes the waiter finally came.
"What can I get for y'all tonight?" She said
"I'll have a pizza." Fred said.
"I'm with him," George added.
"I'll take the steak, medium rare." Draco said.
"May I please have a caesar salad." I said after.
"That sounds good, I'll take one too." Pansy and Cho said.
"Just a baked potato for me." Ginny added. After that the table went back to talking with their small groups and me and Draco went back on my phone, until Cho said something catching everyone's attention.
"Yeah, I ship Lani and Draco more than Cedric. He's not right for her." She said and then turned her head noticing all eyes on her.
"Did y'all just here that?" George said.
"I think we have a competition..." Fred added
"What no, this isn't a competition." I said perking my head up and resituating myself.
"Why don't we have a friendly little vote, about who Lani should be with." Ginny said.
"UM no-" I proceeded to say.
"Perfect okay who's starting." Cedric said.
"Me and George first, it's only fair." Fred said.
What had this dinner turned into. One minute I'm looking at outfit inspo and the next they are voting on me?
"Fred and I have shipped Lani and Draco from the start, sorry Ced. We still love you, but the chemistry is unmatched." George said.
"Two votes for Draco, none for Cedric" Cho said smiling.
"I like Cedric and Lani." Ginny said in the corner, obviously it was clear why.
"Nah I think Draco is the right choice, right Cho?" Pansy said.
"Totally" She responded with a light chuckle.
"Aren't you dating him?!" Cedric exclaimed.
"Well umm long story, but no." Pansy replied.
"Oh, nice to know. If you don't already know i'm voting for myself." Cedric said in almost an annoyed tone. Sometimes I wonder how he's in Hufflepuff, but I mean he was sweet but I guess everyone else was right we lacked that chemistry... I looked over at Draco who was looking at me. I knew he wouldn't say anything.
"So? What was the point of that? I said which caused everyone to look at me.
"Just for fun, the decision is up to you." Pansy said.
"Yeah the decision." After that the food came out and we were so hungry we didn't even speak while eating. I was so full after my salad and a couple bites of Draco's food.
"What's the plan after this?" Draco asked.
"I say we go back to the house and play a little game I like to call spin the bottle." I looked back and forth between the people sitting around me with a smile.
"I like the way you're thinking Greene." Fred said getting up to go pay the bill.
"So it's a plan." Ginny said getting up. We all followed her out the door and got back in the car in the same exact order. I felt a bit of tension sitting in between the boys. I thought back to their fight and how Draco was asking him to look after me. I can fend for myself, at least that's what I wanted to believe.
"I hope the bottle lands on you" I hear Cedric say. I just nod and go back to thinking. I seemed to be thinking more critically this year, I mean so much has happened. And it's just fall break! We still have a whole year left. So much has changed and it's about time that I start dealing with it.
Fred pulled into the driveway and unlocked the car. We got out one by one and after Draco got out Fred tossed the keys back to Dray. Let's all go get comfortable and let's meet back down here. I changed into some basic sweats and Draco's hoodie, not even noticing. It smelled like his cologne. Tea tree and mint. I walked back down and sat on the couch while waiting for everyone else.
"Hey, look I just wanted to apologize for dinner. I didn't mean for it to blow up like that, I just hate seeing you torn between two of Hogwarts hottest bachelors." Cho said.
"It's fine, seriously." I laughed and patted a spot on the couch next to me issuing her to sit down. To be completely honest I thought before this trip Cedric was the one but it seems to be changing.
"Should I just give him a chance?" I said to Cho.
"Who? Draco?!"
"Yeah, I mean do you think that it's worth risking our friendship over?"
"That is something you have to keep in mind Lani. With Draco it would be magical but one wrong move and you are down a best friend and a boyfriend. With Cedric there aren't as many consequences." Cho replied
"I guess you're right, and I mean with Cedric it will at least give me a new experience." He was nice to me, but the way he acts towards Draco is not really my favorite. Will it still affect my friendship with Draco if I don't choose him? There were many things I had to take into consideration.
"So, what do you think? You know you don't even have to choose either.."
"Yeah I guess you're right Cho. Maybe I should tell them I'm on a cleanse from relationships and we can all be friends for now." Until my mind is made up. There is no way I can be in a relationship with a guy that doesn't like my best friends that I love with all my heart, but they also can't be missing from Hogwarts for however long. Why do they make this so hard?
"Haha you do that." She said laughing. After a couple of more minutes everyone had gathered in the living room on the large couch. Draco had a bottle and a board with everyones name.
"Who's gonna start?" Draco said.
"I will." Fred said.
Fred took the bottle and spun it. It landed on. Me. He looked up at me and a smile ran across his face. Everyone started laughing a little as he walked over to me.
"Well then..." he said, getting closer to my face. I kissed him. Very quickly, then turned back. Fred laughed a little then kissed me on the head and went back to his seat. I saw Draco eyeing Fred in a kiss-her-again-or-you'll-regret-it kinda way.
Next to spin the bottle was Cho. It landed on Cedric. She looked at me.
"I can't kiss him, he's Lani's."
"Oh you know I don't care Cho, it's just a game anyways." I could honestly care less if she kissed him, Cho was nice, and she always respected peoples relationships, so i knew she wouldn't get in the way.
"Ok.." she said nervously.
She went over and gave him a light kiss. They both didn't seem that into it. Next it was my turn. I spun the bottle and it landed on Draco.
We both looked at each other and he smiled.
"Shall we..." I walked over and sat down next to him.
Cedric looked at me and I gave him an awkward smile and he nodded his head. I looked at Draco who was staring at me. He grabbed the back of my head and moved his head in closer till our noses were touching. I cupped the side of his face and there we were. Kissing in front of the group. It lasted a little bit longer than the others did. I could hear the twins awning in amazement.
"Why couldn't I have gotten a kiss like that?" Fred said laughing elbowing George.
My eyes wandered a bit until I saw Cedric staring right at us, I almost felt bad he had to watch this. I finally pulled back and I could see Draco blushing.
"Just friends huh..." Cho said.
"It was just a kiss, jeez!" I said back to her.
~ Draco's POV ~
Just a kiss. Of course, how could it ever be something more. I leaned back on the couch after and Lani went back to her spot next to Cho. I had just now realized she was wearing my sweater. It looked better on her anyways. Cedric was staring at me. I was getting pretty tired so I got up and started walking out the door and up to my room. I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm and pulling me into an empty hallway.
"Hey." A familiar voice said, I knew it was Lani.
"Hey? What's up?" I questioned her.
"I was wondering since today is technically our last day if we could hangout a bit longer tonight. Without anyone else." She said to me with her big green eyes staring up at me.
"Sounds fun, what were you thinking?" I said, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, i'll meet you down here in an hour."
"Perfect can't wait!" She said running off and just like that she was gone.
~ Lani's POV ~
"What was that for?" Cho whispered to me.
"Just asking Draco a question, nothing special."
"Mhm ok, what did you ask him. Also I think you should probably talk to Ced."
"Yeah you might be right, I will when we get on the train tomorrow. We are all still sitting together right?" I asked her
"Of course. It's going to be so fun!" Cho replied.
"Yeah." I said thinking about Draco. He won't be there. Who would I talk to, not that Cho or Cedric are a bad choice or anything. It's just, I mean I guess I'll be fine. I needed to be.
"Where's Draco?" Ginny said.
"Oh he said he was tired so he went up to bed."
"I bet he wanted to kiss Lani then dip." George said looking at me.
"Oh hush, he was actually pretty tired." I said trying to get the subject off of our relationship.
"Well if he isn't coming back I'm leaving." Ginny said standing up and walking away.
"Yeah I guess the game is practically over." Pansy said following Ginny. Before I could blink everyone had decided to leave. I checked my watch and I had about 20 minutes until I was going to meet Draco. I went to my room to get ready.
~ Lani's Outfit ~

I wrapped a robe around my bathing suit and walked out of my room into the hall making as little noise as possible

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I wrapped a robe around my bathing suit and walked out of my room into the hall making as little noise as possible. I walked down the stairs and walked out to the pool deck. I saw Draco sitting on a lounge chair browsing some book. He looked so good, just sitting there. It really makes me wonder how different it's going to be without him.
~ Draco's Outfit ~

I cleared my throat getting his attention

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I cleared my throat getting his attention. He looked up and smiled.
"Hey, what are you reading?"
"Oh nothing important, but why are you wearing a robe? Weren't we going to swim?" He said.
"Don't worry yourself too much Malfoy" I said as I walked past him brushing his shoulder.  I felt him turn around and his eyes followed me to the chair next to the one he was laying in.
"Don't be bitter" He responded walking up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slung me around until I was hovering over the pool.
"If you drop me in the cold pool, I'll make sure you never live to see another day." I said squirming.
"It's fun to watch you squirm" He said chuckling.
"Put me down!"
"Never." He slowly let me down and grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing now?" I said walking trying to keep up.
"I have to show you something." At this point we had walked past the pool and the hot tub and now we were walking on a large path. I never knew this was back here, I can't believe I didn't notice this while I was with Cedric that night.
"Seriously, where are we going, Draco?"
"The lake." He said with a grin.
As he slowed down I was presented with a gorgeous view of the lake. Such a perfect night. The moon was reflecting off the water and all the stars in the sky were as bright as ever.
"It's beautiful." I said in amazement.
"I knew you would have liked it, I wanted our last moment to be special."
"Last" I said with a sigh.
He picked my chin up and looked at me.
"Just for a bit, I will try to make it as short as possible. Now let's not be debby downers and have some fun." He said. His words were almost as a reassurance. I knew he would be back and it's nice to know that he'll try to be fast with it. I had been standing there with the same half smile half disappointed look and I could tell Draco was still staring at me.
"Okay, after you.." He said pointing to the end of the dock.
"Uh I don't think so hun" After I said that he picked me up and walked me to the edge of the dock and threw me out. I know he did not just do that. I decided to mess with him a bit.
"Ahh Draco help me, my foot's stuck and it's pulling me under!" I screamed flopping in the water. His head whipped around and he dove straight off of the dock. He went underwater and down to my leg to make sure I wasn't caught on anything. After a couple of seconds he was back up and he didn't look happy.
"Always there for my rescue..." I said teasingly.
"That was not funny Lani." He didn't seem in the best of mood so I swam closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"I thought it was quite a catch, you must not have any humor Malfoy" I said with a smirk.
"Don't play with me Lani" He said, I chuckled lightly and leaned my head back to the point where my hair was touching the water. My body still wrapped around him
"Or what" I continued with a slight chuckle. He gripped the back of my head and lifted it back to where it was facing him. He leaned closer and kissed me. Not just an ordinary spin the bottle kiss, something with meaning. He kept his hand on my head and after a few minutes we broke apart. Just sitting there now, but not awkward. We stayed and swam a bit longer until we grew tired. He helped me out of the water and back on to the deck as we stood there admiring the view one last time. What a fall break.

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