Year 1: Arriving at Hogwarts

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Y/n Diggory is the sister of Cedric Diggory she has y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. 

Recently Y/n got her letter to Hogwarts and like every little kid she was excited she ran around the house waving the letter in her brother Cedric's face while he chuckled in response.

Cedric was the best brother Y/n could ever ask for he was funny, kind and playful Cedric would often attempt to have Y/n on his back while he ran around the house but ever since Y/n a got older she became harder to lift. Cedric would play read and do all sorts of fun stuff with Y/n. Y/n considered him as one of her bestfriends. 

But when Cedric went to Hogwarts for the year Y/n would often be lonely at home, sure her parents fun to play with but not nearly as good as how much fun she had with Cedric.

So this year when Y/n got her letter for Hogwarts she was delighted, for she would be able to see Ced everyday


Today was the day she was going to Hogwarts, Y/n quickly hopped out of bed and went to her bathroom to brush her teeth she stared into her y/e/c eyes in the mirror while they stared back. 

She ran into the kitchen screaming


"yes Y/n we know its Cedric's too" her mum replied chuckling

"Mum I've been going to Hogwarts for 3 years now" Cedric grumbled

"But it's the first day after the holidays" 

Y/n took a seat at the table and bumped her leg up and down impatiently waiting for her breakfast

"Mum hurry up we're gonna be late"

"yes yes here u go"

She handed Y/n and Cedric their plates and left to get dressed

"so Y/n are u excited for today?"

"I 'ont know w'at dos i' 'ook like?" Y/n replied with her mouth full


Cedric and Y/n pushed past the muggles to get to the barrier

"- packed with muggles this year"

Y/n turned around to see a red head with 5 children Y/n assumed to be her children. A particular one stood out to Y/n he looked around the same age but as she was looking to see the rest Cedric elbowed her.

"OW Ced what was that for?!"

"Hurry up get through the barrier"

Cedric went through first then Y/n took a run up and ran towards the barrier with her eyes closed expecting a crash but it never came Y/n opened her eyes to see many Witches and Wizards bidding their children goodbye. And there the red train was, the Hogwarts Express in all its glory. 

Just then someone ran into her back which caused her to fall forwards. She realised she had stopped right in front of the barrier she looked at who ran into her, it was a raven-haired boy 

"S- sorry" he said scratching the back of his neck before offering Y/n a hand

"its ok" she replied smiling which he returned

She winced in pain as she got up and his smile turned into a frown and he apologized again 

"its ok it really is, it was my fault in the first place" she gave him a weak smile and hurried off to find Cedric

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