Year 1: Saving Hermione Our Friend

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Today Y/n woke up early thanks to her personal alarm clock screaming at her.

"Y/n! Y/n! Its Hermione your personal alarm clock come to wake u up for another exciting day of classes!"

Y/n pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes.

"Y/n!" Hermione yelled as she pulled the covers off her

"Fine 'Mione fine"

Y/n got out of bed and looked at their timetable

"Oh today we have charms, brilliant"


Y/n and Hermione were early to class that day. well not that day specifically, everyday! Thanks to her alarm clock

Hermione tapped the desk eagerly with her fingers waiting for Professor Flitwick to start the class.

"Where are the boys?"

"Honestly Y/n? When are they ever here this early?"

"True true" I mean she's got a point

Next second they had two exhausted boys burst in through the door.

"Bloody hell are we late?"

"Ron u idiot Flitwick isn't here! that means..."

"WE'RE EARLY!" the two boys yelled in unison celebrating their 'huge' success

Hermione rolled her eyes as Y/n thought 'impressive'

Harry rushed to take the seat next to Y/n and smiled at her before unpacking his bag, while Ron sat next to Hermione as the seat on the other side of Harry was taken by Seamus.

Harry and Y/n talked for the next few minutes when they were interrupted by Flitwick walking through the door, when he got to the front he got on top of a pile of books because he was a shorty. He began introducing the spell.

"One of the wizards most rudimental skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers?"

Hermione picked up her feather and showed it off to Flitwick.

"Good, now uh don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. The swish and flick" He says showing the kids how to do it


"Swish and flick" The class repeats mimicking Professor Flitwick's hand movement

"And annunciate, Wingardiam Leviosa, off you go then"

"Wingardiam Leviosa" The class chants trying out the spell for themselves.

"Wingardiam LeviosA" Ron says repeatedly hitting the feather with his wand

"Stop stop stop, you're going to take someones eye out, besides your saying it wrong. Its Wingardiam LeviOsa not LeviosA" Hermione corrects

"You do it then if your so clever, go on go on" Ron retorts gesturing to Hermione's feather

Hermione gives him a look before turning to her feather and saying "Wingardiam Leviosa"

Hermione's feather floats gracefully up to the ceiling.

"Oh well done! See here everyone Miss Grangers done it!" Flitwick announces proudly as everyone turns to Hermione as she smiled broadly at her achievement


"Honestly she's a bloody nightmare. Its Wingardiam LeviOsa not LeviosA" Ron says mocking Hermione. "no wonder she's got no friends"

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