Year 1: Who gave you the Dragon Egg?

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Y/n Pov

"You mean You-Know-Who's out there right now in the forest?" Hermione asked

"But he's weak, he's living off the unicorns. Don't you see? We had it wrong, Snape doesn't want the stone for himself. He wants the stone for Voldemort"

Harry looked between us 

"With the elixir of life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll- he'll come back" Harry said sitting down

"But if he comes back you don't think he'll try to- kill you do you?" Ron asked worriedly

I nudged Ron 

That's not making any of us feel any better.

"I think if he had the chance he might have tried to kill me tonight." Harry gulped

I reached out and took Harry's hand in my own and squeezed it. He gave a smile back.

"And to think I've been worrying 'bout my potions final"

"And my Transfiguration!" I muttered

Hermione glared at us both before starting

"Hang on a minute, we're forgetting on thing. Whose the one wizard Voldemort always feared?"

We all stared at her eyebrows raised.

"Dumbledore!" Hermione announced like it were common knowledge.

"As long as Dumbledore's around Harry your safe. As long as Dumbledore's around you can't be touched" Hermione reassured

We all smiled at Hermione.


"I'd always thought Hogwarts end of year exams were frightful! But I found they're rather enjoyable" 

"Speak for yourself." Ron said

I grabbed Harry's hand ready for another bit of bickering from the two.

I looked up at Harry's face and he had a pained expression as his other hand was clutching his scar.

"All good Harry?" I asked 

"My scar, keeps burning"

"Maybe try putting it in the fridge?" Ron suggested

He sounded quite genuine. Like he actually didn't know what Harry meant.

"Its happened before" Hermione said

"Not like this" 

I rubbed my thumb on the back of his palm just as he had done that day in the forest.

He looked at me and smiled. It seemed it had worked a tad bit.

"Perhaps you should see the nurse" Ron had finally caught on

"I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming."

As we walked out of the castle Harry stopped causing me to jolt back as I was holding his hand

"Sorry" Harry gave me an apologetic look but stayed still eyes wide 

"Oh, of course" He was staring straight at Hagrid's hut

"Harry what?" I asked curiously

"Don't you think it's a bit odd, what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon and a stranger turns up who just happens to have one."

Maybe he's onto something

"I mean how many strangers wander around with dragon eggs in their back pocket?"

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