Year 1: Bit of 'Light Reading'

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Flash back to when Y/n looked into the mirror of erised

Y/n pov:

Harry had dragged me all the way across the room just to look into a mirror to see myself

Like Harry I know I'm beautiful but no need to remind me.

He pushed me in front of the mirror

"Can you see my parents?" He asked

"No Ha-" He cut me off by moving out of the way

"Now?" He asked practically jumping

I knew exactly what I saw, there I was, standing there with 3 children, and a older looking man who coincidentally looked a lot like Harry.

"No" I replied truthfully, in all honesty I can't see his parents but that doesn't mean I'm telling him what I did see

"Come on stop playing around I know you can"

"Harry I can't"

"What do you see then?" He asked

I hesitated, I'm not telling him what I saw. For all I know that could be Harry and our children, and telling him that is just embarrassing. I needed to come up with a lie.

"I- I see my and my family, I'm on Cedric's shoulders-" I lied

He knew I was lying, I could tell. Surprisingly he didn't push me further.

"What do you think the mirror does?" He questioned

"I dunno" I shrugged I really had no clue "Maybe show the future?" I mean, that's what I hope it shows because then that means-

"How can it? Both my parents are dead." He replied looking at the floor

Oh yeah, well there goes that hope.

I put a hand on his shoulder and sent him a sympathetic smile. I mean that's the least I could do instead of sulking about how it doesn't show the future.

He sent me a weak smile


Hermione had dragged us to the library after Ron found the name 'Nicolas Flamel' on his Dumbledore chocolate frog card, which apparently had rung a bell in Hermione's head. 

So here we were, sitting on a table in the library waiting for Hermione to return.

"I had you looking in the wrong section, how could I be so stupid" Hermione had finally returned

She practically threw the book at the table, sighed then sat down

"I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading." She said now flipping through the pages

I had to stifle a laugh

This? Light reading? She's joking right?

"This, is light?" Ron exactly read my mind.

"Great minds think alike they say" I said

Hermione glared at us both while Harry had to cough to hide his laugh.

Hermione pointed where she was reading.

"Of course, here it is! Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone!" She looked up

"The what?" We answered in unison.

"Honestly don't you three read?"

Wait actually I think I know what that is.

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