Year 1: Philosophers Stone Pt.2

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Harry pov

We all snapped our heads around

"What is that?"

"I don't know, it- sounds like wings"

We edged over to the door slowly and gently pushed it open. We were greeted by a large room with random pillars everywhere

"Curious, I've never seen birds like these" Hermione whispered

'That's 'cause they're not birds" Y/n stated

"They're keys" I added  "And I'd bet one of them fits that door"

I stopped myself just in time from walking straight into a hovering broom. I was too busy looking up at all the keys.

"What's this all about?" Hermione questioned

"I don't know" I admitted

Ron took out his wand and slowly headed over to the door on the other side. It seemed to be locked

Me, Y/n and Hermione all shared a glance and Hermione turned on her heel to follow him.

"Strange" I mused hovering my hand over the handle

"This whole thing is strange" Y/n commented

As I was about to open my mouth to speak again, we heard a voice


We snapped our heads towards where the sound was coming from and sure enough it was Ron.

"Well, worth a try"

Hermione groaned

"What're we going to do!? There must be 1000 keys up there."

"We're looking for a big old-fashioned one, probably rusty like the handle" Ron said

We all looked up in search of the key

"There I see it! The one with the broken wing!" I pointed up

Suddenly I looked down in realization at the broom in front of me.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked me

"It's too simple"

"Oh go on Harry!" Ron said

"If Snape can with that old broomstick you can! You're the youngest seeker in a century!" Y/n encouraged

I nodded and gently put my hand on the broom

Sudden all the keys made a screeching noise and dove down to me.

I quickly hopped onto the broom and swatted the keys away.

"This complicates things a bit" Ron said from somewhere near me

I slowly pushed off the ground and continued swatting the darned keys away

They continued to pester me, but suddenly I saw the key. Then all my attention was turned to the key. 

I dove in between and around pillars trailing right behind the key at all times when my hands closed in on it.

"Catch the key!"

I threw the key towards the 3 and hoped one would catch it

Y/n seemed to have caught it and quickly ran towards the door, unlocking it and pushing it open. They all clambered in and I took the chance to fly in too. Hermione quickly shutting the door behind me. All the keys seemed to have smashed straight into the door on the other side as we all heard banging noises.

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