Year 1: 'Excuse me Professor'

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Harry pov:

That coward Malfoy had just ran away after spying on us. 

"Oh dear"

"We should probably head back to our dorms" Y/n suggested 

We all gathered our stuff and ran out of Hagrid's hut

As we were walking through the corridors a lot slower than we should be might I add, I finally spoke up

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me the first time I ever met him." 

"It's crazy, and worse Malfoy knows" 

I nodded in response.

"I don't understand. Is that bad?" I asked

"It is bad"

"We should probably hur-" Y/n started but was cut off

Someone walked out of a room with a lantern in hand.

It was Professor Mcgonagall.

We all stopped in our tracks. Scared of what was to come

"Good evening" 

Suddenly another figure came to stand behind Mcgonagall. This someone happened to be Malfoy.

Y/n glared daggers at him, while he had a sly smirk plastered on his face. 

That rotten snitch.


We were lined up in an empty classroom.

Malfoy stood a good 4 meters away from the rest of us 

"Nothing I repeat, nothing gives a student a right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions. 50 points will be taken." 

Malfoy stood arms crossed silently laughing at us.

"Fifty?" I asked somewhat loudly

"Each" She added

I stood there jaw dropped at what we had done. That's a whole 200 points from Gryffindor.

"Professor shouldn't Malfoy have points taken off to since he too was out of bed?" Y/n asked

Genius, Y/n your an absolute genius.

"Miss Diggory, this is my decision-" Mcgonagall started

I frowned at Mcgonagall. Malfoy stood smirking at Y/n

I glared at him.

Mcgonagall took a look at Malfoy and started

"and to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention"

I turned to Malfoy. Laugh at us now Malfoy.

Malfoy realised what she said

He walked up to her

"Excuse me Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us"

Y/n smirked at Malfoy with her arms crossed.

"No you heard me correctly Mr Malfoy. You see as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention" 

We all silently celebrated.

Malfoy knitted his eyebrows together and snapped his head around to us and frowned.


It was the day of the detention, and we were heading to Hagrid's Hut with Filch in the lead.

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