Year 1: The Mirror Of Erised

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Harry pov

We entered a large dark room, I took the cloak off me and Y/n and decided to have a look around. 

"What is this place" Y/n whisper yelled.

"Beats me"

Its then that I realised there was mirror with a golden frame at the front.

I slowly walked towards it, Y/n stood rigid at her place

"Y/n! Move away from the door, otherwise you'll be found first!"

She quickly tiptoed away and began running her fingers through the patterns on the huge pillars

I continued towards the mirror and saw some weird writing written across the top of the frame 

It didn't look English.

I moved my gaze down towards the mirror itself

I narrowed my eyes at what I saw

Beside me was two older people.

One woman and one man.

I couldn't help but realize how similar my eyes looked to the lady and how similar my hair was to the man and in general how similar I looked to them.

They looked like my parents.

Beside me was also the face I knew all too well. The one I loved seeing everyone morning. 

Beside me was, Y/n. Her beautiful e/c eyes looked back at me and grinned.

I couldn't help but grin back.

I looked around, Y/n wasn't beside me. She was at the back of the room leaning against a pillar playing with her hair.

What does this mirror do? Why can I see people that looked like my parents?

I walked towards the mirror in awe of what was in front of me. The two people who sacrificed their lives for me and the person who I liked, alot.

I gulped.

I had to find out if they were actually my parents,

"Mum?" I whispered just so they could hear

She smiled and nodded


He smiled and gave a firm nod.

They were, they were the people who sacrificed themselves for me.

I touched the mirror with one hand to see if they were really real.

The wo- Mum put a hand on my shoulder

I attempted to put my hand on hers.

But there was nothing, only air.

I looked back into the mirror and smiled.

I snapped back into reality. Maybe if I could see my parents she could see them too? I could show her my parents! I turned my head around in search for Y/n.

There she was biting her nails

"HEY Y/n!"

She turned her head to me

"Come here! And stop biting your nails, its bad for you" 

She grinned and rolled her eyes then started making her way over

I ran over and grabbed her hand to hurry her up

"Come on"

"Hey hey calm down I'm coming"

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