Year 1: First Day At Hogwarts

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Y/n was tired she had spent the whole night talking to her fellow dormates Lavender & Parvati although told many times by Hermione to go to bed.

Y/n was awaken by a violent push to her shoulder Y/n rolled around and saw a Hermione wearing her full school uniform with her bushy hair brushed neatly.

"Y/n Y/n! WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Hermione yelled which completely awakened Y/n.

Y/n rolled back and pulled her pillow on both her ears so she could block out the noise.

"Y/n!" Hermione yelled before jumping on Y/n to get her to get out of bed.

"Fine Hermione I'm coming.. By the way what time is it?" Y/n said from the bathroom



"FINE U CAN BE LATE IM GOING TO GO WAIT FOR CLASS" Hermione scoffed before rushing out of the room

"THANK  YOU" Y/n said before pulling the blanket over her head


Y/n woke up again by a ray of sunlight, she was going back to sleep when she realised she had class. She jolted upright through her uniform on and hurried out of their dorm.

Y/n rushed down the stairs into the common room and hurried out the portrait door and practically ran to class. 

She pushed open the door to Potions to reveal a classroom with a greasy haired teacher standing infront of everyone.

"and why are you so late" Snape said in his usual monotonous voice

"I- i slept in professor" Y/n said looking around the classroom for help she saw Harry giving her a sympathetic smile and saw Hermione giving her a look saying "I told you so"

"pathetic, 20 points from Gryffindor" he remarked before turning back to the class

"Well go on, sit down" he spat not looking away from the class

Y/n hurried to a seat next to Hermione.

"I told you so, if only u woke up when-"

"Mione I get it" Y/n said before turning to the front of the class

Potions and the rest of the day went by quickly Y/n exchanged between sitting next to Harry and Hermione because Harry said 'he wanted a turn to sit next to Y/n too' Y/n laughed at this but sat next to him anyway.

When it was dinner time the 4 rushed to the Great hall ( Y/n was friends with Ron and Harry, Hermione wasn't yet she just followed .) Y/n sat down next to Hermione, Harry taking the seat next to Y/n. Ron sat across from the 3 in front of Y/n. 

Dumbledore did his little speech that everyone listened to, then made the food magically appear on the table.

Everyone stuffed their faces and then went to bed. Harry and Y/n walking behind Ron as Hermione already left 'to get to bed early and wake up early' I suppose she was right considering what happened earlier that day.

"So Y/n.. How was your first day?" Harry asked to break the awkward silence

"Great, How was yours?" Y/n said looking up and smiling

"Brilliant" Harry said 

They both chuckled slightly and Y/n rushed off to go stand next to Ron

Once they got back to the common room the 3 parted ways Y/n heading up to the girls dorms.

As Y/n went up a few steps Harry called out to her

"Hey! Y/n!"

She turned back to the raven-haired boy

"Goodnight" He smiled 

"Goodnight Scarhead" Y/n replied smiling before rushing up the rest of the steps

Harry couldn't help but watch her every step. She was mesmerizing.. Of course they were only 11 but he couldn't help it.

Harry pushed this thought out of his head and hurried up the steps to his dorm and jumped onto his bed smiling at the ceiling.

Today was probably one of the best days of his life.


Sorry for the short chapter I will immediately start writing the next one because this one was pretty short :) 

This is also a very late chapter so I apologize school is still part of my life and we had gone out of town and that so I didn't have much time to write.

Also.. What would u guys like to see in this story? I have an idea but idk.

Anyway have a great day and don't forget to drink water <3


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