Year 1: Philosophers Stone Pt.1

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Y/n pov (again, might switch to Harry sometime.)

It was night time. Very late in the night to be precise, and here I was sitting on the edge of my bed cross legged with Hermione in front me. I was panicking, tonight was a big night. We were about to go down a trapdoor into who-knows-what. There could be a three headed dragon for all we know. I was biting my nails thinking about what could possibly go wrong and so far I haven't ran out of ideas.

Hermione swatted my hand away from my mouth for about the 20th time that night

"Y/n, it'll be ok. Plus Harry will make sure nothing happens to you." She smirked knowingly slightly easing the tension

"Yea 'Mione, but what if Harry gets hurt himself?" I asked running my fingers through my hair

"Well then you're there" She shrugged

"I'm scared" I admitted

"I figured that much out" 

Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door, Hermione got up to see who it was.

"Hermione it's time to go. Where's Y/n?" A familiar voice asked

"Harry she's scared."

"Oh does she not want to come?" Ron asked curiously

"No no, she wants to but she's just a bit nervous."

Harry stepped in tiptoeing over to my bed

He sat down beside me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder

"Hey Y/n?"

I turned around

"It'll be okay. It's totally fine if you don't want to come I understand, but just remember, I won't let anything happen to you"

"I know Har, I know" I smiled up at him

"You know how much you mean to me right? I won't let anything hurt you" 

"Thanks Har it means a lot but you don't have to. Come on we've got a stone to protect" I said standing up 

"That's our Y/n!"

He got up and we joined Ron and Hermione on our way to the common room.

As soon as we stepped in we saw a frog, sitting on a red armchair croaking.


"Trevor shh go you shouldn't be here" Ron shooed

Suddenly someone turned around

"Neither should you."

It was Neville

He got up to stand in front of us

"You're sneaking out again aren't you?"

"No Neville listen. We-"

"No! I won't let you, you'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I- I- I'll fight you" Neville said holding up his fists

I pushed Hermione out of the way and stood there too with my fists up

Neville looked shocked he didn't actually think we were going to. Of course I wasn't actually going to hit Neville.

Neville lowered his fists 

"Neville please just listen. This is really important-" I started

Neville seemed unconvinced

"Neville- I'm really really sorry about this. Petrificus Totalus" Hermione swished her wand

Neville's arms snapped to his side and he froze and nearly fell backwards I caught him and placed him on the ground gently.

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