Year 1: Christmas

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Your pov

Today was Christmas and the me, Ron and Harry were going to have the time of our lives.

But first of course Ron wouldn't let us miss breakfast so to breakfast we went. 

When Ron finally finished his 6th helping we got to start our day. 

Fred, George and Percy were staying back too since their parents were in Egypt. Originally me and Harry planned it to be just us, but this works too I guess.


"Earth to Y/n" Harry nudged me slightly laughing

"O-oh yeah."

"So guys what do u want to do?" Ron asked

"LETS GO MAKE SNOWMEN!"  I decided excited

Harry looked at me and his face immediately broke into a huge grin.

"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Harry yelled

And with that we all took off towards the courtyard.


Ron simply scowled in response.

Fred and George were already there bewitching snowballs to hit Professor Quirrell in the back of the head while he was crossing the courtyard.


We all simply laughed in response Fred chucking another snowball at Quirrell's face

We all doubled over in laughter clutching our chests, Quirrell heatedly stormed off with a clear frown on his face

"THAT. WAS. AMAZING" I said between laughs


We had gotten into teams for a snowball fight.

Me, Fred and George, and Ron and Harry.

The front of Ron's shirt was covered with snow by now but that didn't stop him from having fun

Suddenly Harry hurled a snowball at me which hit me right in the face


I made an even larger snowball and chucked it right at Harry and ran away

Fred and George stood there with their eyebrows raised while Ron was used to this.

Harry chased after me with a snowball in hand 


Harry had chucked a snowball at my back I fell over on a soft pile of snow while Harry not expecting a sudden stop and a fall, fell right on top of me.



I turned around so I was facing him and he was no longer on top of me but beside me.

"I see your already wearing the necklace I gave you" Harry said reaching out to play with my necklace

We both stared at each other realizing our close proximity and blush rose to both our cheeks

I took this chance to grab some snow behind my back and shoved it in Harry's face

"Y-Y/n! Wha' was that for?!"

I got up and ran away laughing

Harry just lay there staring at me.


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