Year 1: Just Me and You

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The next day the Quartet were sitting at the Gryffindor door table in the great hall trying to stuff food into Harry's mouth.

"Harry you have to eat!" Y/n complained "You need your energy for today" She said as she tried feeding Harry some bacon

"Take a bit of toast mate come on" Ron urged

"Ron and Y/n are right, Harry. You're gonna need your strength for today"

"I'm not hungry" Harry muttered grimly.

"Good luck today Potter" The four looked up to see Snape standing there 

Woah who would've known Snape would be the one to wish Harry good luck?

"Then again now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you" 

Of course.

"Even if it is against Slytherin" 

And to think he actually was being nice for once

He looked at the four once more and proceeded limping towards the staff table. Harry stared after him Y/n followed his gaze to Snape's leg.

"That explains the blood" Harry said


"Listen, last night I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three headed dog. But he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping" Harry explained looking between the three

"But would anyone in their right mind go near that dog?" Y/n inquired

"Because he's not in his right mind" Ron quietly muttered just so Y/n could hear they both giggled quietly

"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret."

"So your saying-" Hermione started

"That's what the dogs guarding" Harry thumped his hand on the table to make a point

"That's what Snape wants"

Just then a bird or and owl made a loud hoot making sure everyone in the Great Hall knew of it's arrival.

It was Hedwig. And she seemed to be holding a parcel.

She flew towards them and dropped the parcel right into Harry's hands 

Harry caught it with a look of shock plastered on his face

"Bit early for mail isn't it?" Hermione straightened herself

"But I- I never get mail" Harry said shocked. Y/n felt inclined to now send Harry mail more often

"Lets open it" Ron said excited

The four began tearing away the wrapping paper.

"Its a broomstick"

"That's not just a broomstick Harry, it's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron announced

Harry stared shocked and simply blinked in responce

"But who-"

The four looked over to where Hedwig flew over to and saw Professor Mcgonagall stroking Hedwig with a wide smile on her face.


Harry smiled back and nodded


Harry was all ready for his first match and stood infront of his three best friends

"Good luck Harry" Hermione said 

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