Year 1: Three Headed Doggo

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Today was going to be a day like any other. Same old thing

Waken up by Hermione 

Go to class with Harry, Ron and Hermione 

Eat food in the middle with the 3

Hang out with the 3


Sent to bed by Hermione

Thats what Y/n thought atleast.


Right now Hermione and Y/n were sitting at a table waiting for Potions to start. Also waiting for Harry and Ron to arrive as they were late like always.

Suddenly the hook nosed teacher came into the class and started the lesson Y/n looking to the door every few minutes in hopes the boys would come bursting through. When about 15 minutes into the lesson the boys came running in.

"Are we late?"

"Ron look around"

"You two are late." Snape said in his usual monotonous voice.

"We know." Harry replied bitterly

"10 points from Gryffindor. Go find a seat"

The boys stood there in shock. 

"I said go find a seat are u deaf?" 

The boys quickly sat down and class carried on. 


As the four were headed back to the common room after a big day of classes, the stairs started moving as they were on it. The stairs stopped at an unusual corridor but since the four didnt want to stay on the stairs any longer the decided to go in it and hope with Hogwarts's many passageways this was one to lead to the Gryffindor common room.

"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here" Ron inquired

"We're not supposed to be here, its the third floor its forbidden!"

Suddenly a torch near by lit up

"Lets go"

Y/n grabbed onto Harrys hand in fright as Harry squeezed it. They turned around to see Filch's cat Mrs Norris

"Its Filch's cat!" Y/n screamed

"Run! Run!"

[insert dramatic music}

They ran through the corridor as more and more torches lit up, Harry still holding onto Y/n's hand.

"Quick lets hide through that door!"

Harry tried opening the door with his free hand but it didn't work, it was locked.

"Its locked!"

"We're done for" Ron complained

"Oh move over" Hermione took out her wand pushing through "Maybe if u used both ur hands instead of holding onto Y/n's it might work better next time"

"Not the time Mione" 

"Alohomora" Hermione said

The door unlocked and the three barged in

"Alohomora?" Ron asked

"Standard book of spells, chapter 7" Hermione answered like it were basic knowledge

Hermione opened the door to peer through

"Filch's gone"

"Probably thinks this door is locked." Ron said looking around

"It was locked" Hermione stated

"and for good reason" Harry said staring at the 3 headed dog

Y/n was already staring at it in pure horror as the other 2 saw it. The three headed dog was quietly grunting (well quietly compared to how loud it could grunt.)

The four stood there in a loss for words Harry tightly holding onto Y/n's hand still.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" They screamed in unison. The darned three headed dog had woken up.

They ran out the open door and tried pushing it but the rogue dog was trying to keep it open. They used all their body weight to close it and finally it shut, and Hermione locked it.

The walk back to the common room was quiet as the four walked in a loss for words.


"What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school." Ron finally spoke up as they were walking through the portrait hole.

"You don't use your eyes do you? Didn't u see what it was standing on?"

Y/n suddenly realised her and Harry were still holding hands. She nudged him in the shoulder and he looked down at her. 


She held up their hands still holding onto each other. He just smiled and looked away as Y/n took her hand back causing Harry disappointment but respected her not wanting to hold hands (yet).

"I didn't see what it was standing on! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe u didn't notice there were three!" Ron said as they starting walking up the stairs leading to the dormitories.

"It was standing on a trapdoor. Which means it wasn't there by accident. Its guarding something" Hermione replied ignoring Ron's comment

Maybe she was onto something..

"Guarding something?" Harry inquired

"That's right. Now,  if you two don't mind me and Y/n are going to bed before either of you come up with another idea to get us killed. Or worse expelled." Hermione said

She motioned for Y/n to follow her and opened the door to the girls dorms and walked in

"Well its my queue to leave. Goodnight Harry, goodnight Ron" 

"Goodnight Y/n" Harry said

"'Night" Ron replied

Harry stared after her as she opened the door and went in as Ron already started walking back.

"You coming mate?" Ron said raising an eyebrow and smirking playfully

as they were walking back Ron spoke up

"She needs to sort out her priorities, Hermione."



Ok so I know its been a long time since the last update so I'm sorry. I also know this isn't the longest chapter sorry!

The story is I thought I'd written this chapter already so I was writing the next one but then I realised I hadn't so I had to write this one quick to get it out for you guys so yea I WILL edit it later!

The next chapter is moderately long it has more than 1000 words I promise the writing is way better! I think I'll also start doing like Disha pov and Harry pov chapters instead.

I just wanted to say that the first two years I just wanted to keep short and simple because these two years their relationship will be mostly platonic but they do have feelings for each other (Harry and Disha) But from third year it will be more detailed.

ANYWAY! I love you guys ( even though there's like hardly any of yall) more than Bellatrix loved Voldy. Also remember to drink water <3


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