𝟒.𝟎 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬

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(of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
"the voice was mellifluous and smooth"

That's the feeling Jules would get when she heard the voices of her loved ones.

Erica, her best friend since she could remember. The two had met when a couple of boys made fun of Erica for being epileptic and Jules had defended her. Since then Erica and Jules had been best friends even if Erica was 2 years older than her. Although Erica never asked her to, Jules was always there to protect her. That's what made Jules different in Ericas eyes. She never had to ask Jules to be her friend, to hang out with her, to protect her. But she did it anyways because that was just the kind've person she was. Even when Erica was changed by Derek and she had her whole personality change, Jules never strayed away from her. Even when the odds were against their friendship she was always there.

Boyd, the quiet boy who always sat alone at lunch. She knew he was the plug when it came to the ice skating rink. While Allison, Scott, Lydia, and Stiles hung out together, Jules stayed with Boyd because in her mind he needed a person, and Jules was that person. Since that night she always made sure to sit with Boyd at lunch so he'd never have to be alone again.

When Erica and Boyd died something changed in her. She became distant to the people around her. She didn't want to let people in. She knew if she'd relinquish to her feelings she'd just end up losing everyone. That is until Aiden came into the picture.

When Aiden and Ethan first arrived in Beacon Hills she loathed them. They never had the right intentions and they aided Kali in the deaths of Boyd and Erica and for what. All for power. However Aiden was a charmer. He saw how she resented him and that only made him more interested. Every chance he had he would take them if it meant being able to talk to her, to hear her voice, to see her. After awhile Jules couldn't help but fall for him. He changed for her. But she was scared of those feelings. Her father left her, what made Aiden any different.

She had a boy who loved her and yet...she couldn't let him, and it didn't take a shrink to figure out why. But when Stiles was taken over by the Nogitsune and had taken over the Oni. Everything she thought was good in her life had changed.

Not only did she lose her first love, but she lost the girl she considered a sister.

Allison, words couldn't even begin to describe how Jules felt about the older girl. She was beautiful, smart, and had amazing hunting skills. She was everything Jules wanted to be. Allison was the person who taught her that it was ok to be herself. That she didn't have to change herself for anyone. Although they had a short falling out when Allison's mother died it didn't take them long to rekindle their friendship. It was never awkward between them even when her and Scott had broken up. Jules knew she could always count on Allison for anything.

When Allison died her heart felt like it was ripped away from her. Jules watched as she had been stabbed by the Oni. She watched as Lydia screamed for her best friend, as Kira hugged her mom, as Isaac lay there in shock, as her older brother held her as he begged her to stay alive. She heard Allison stop breathing, and watched as her body lay limp in the arms of her older brother.

She fell to her knees as Chris walked past her. Chris in shock seeing his daughter dead in the arms of her first love. She didn't scream, she didn't cry. She just stayed there. Staring at Allison's body. The body of a girl she once's idolized. Shock written on her face.

Now the girl was starting the second half of her freshman year. Without her best friends. Without her first love. But she still knew how to appreciate the people around her.

Scott, her older brother. The person who taught her how to play lacrosse. The person who would always be there for her even when they fought. The boy who almost died trying to save her from Peter Hale and his bite. They grew even closer when she turned into a werewolf. They had a falling out when Scott started his sophomore year and she had no idea why. But by the time winter rolled around she had put the pieces together that he was in fact a werewolf. She knew her brother was only trying to protect her, and now that she was a werewolf she was able to learn control alongside him. When Scott became a true alpha she couldn't even begin to express how proud she was. He had gone from this shy boy who wasn't too good at lacrosse and had asthma, to a boy who was a true alpha and captain of the lacrosse team, but more importantly he was her brother.

Stiles, the boy who was obsessed with Star Wars and who constantly talked about Lydia Martin. He was her partner in crime. Since her father left her at such a young age Stiles' dad was the closest thing she had to one. She was always over at his house along with Scott, and was even there the night Stiles and Scott went looking for a dead body. Stiles' sarcasm matched perfectly to hers and that's what made them such a great pair. She couldn't even imagine her life without Stiles. So when Stiles was taken over by the Nogitsune she thought she had lost him. Thankfully they were able to save him and finish off the Nogitsune once and for all.

Lydia, she was the popular girl in school, everyone knew it. She had never really been close to her until Lydia was attacked by Peter and she started to develop her Banshee abilities. She was always the one to give Jules good fashion tips, but what Jules appreciated the most was the advice Lydia gave her when developing feelings for Aiden.

"Jules you don't have to be afraid of your feelings. What I've learned over the years is that it only takes one person to change your life. But only if you let them in."

That's the day she knew Lydia Martin would be with her for the rest of her life.

Kira, the girl that bumped into her on her first day. She remembers how the girl couldn't stop apologizing for making her drop her books and it made her laugh honestly. She told the girl it was ok and asked for her name. Since then the two girls had been inseparable. After discovering that her and Scott were werewolves she told them both about the weird occurrence that happened every time she took a picture of herself with the flash on. They later learned Kira was a kitsune and Jules couldn't help but think of how badass that was. Kira was a pretty awkward girl but when she used her katana she was like a completely different person.

Malia, the girl who was a coyote for 8 years. Jules hasn't known the girl for long. She had first heard about her when Stiles' dad needed help with a case he was interested in. After she turned back to human she was finally reunited with her father. Later she learned the girl had been taken to Eichen house were her and Stiles seemed to form a connection. She didn't know where their relationship status stood but she knew she made Stiles happy and that all the really mattered.

Now all Jules had to focus on was making it through her freshman year. But who knows how that'll turn it out with people trying to kill all the supernaturals in beacon hill.

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