𝟓.𝟖 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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The three teens didn't know where they were, all Jules knew was that this was the same place she had been experimented on the first time

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The three teens didn't know where they were, all Jules knew was that this was the same place she had been experimented on the first time. She could see that she had been strapped to a table along with Hayden. She could see Liam on the ground with some sort of contraption attached to his arm which was keeping him restrained.

She could see The Dread Doctors looking down on them. Two of them grabbing syringes and injecting both girls with different liquids. Jules feeling pain course through her veins. "Their conditions worsen." The Dread Doctors say. "Stop!" Liam screams at them as they continue to inject the girls with different liquids. "Stop hurting them! Stop hurting them!" Liam continues to yell. Liams eyes changing to gold as his fangs protrude from his mouth, the Dread Doctor walking up to him and kicking him in the face.

The Dread Doctors didn't have a single care for the girls, throwing them on the ground next to Liam. "Jules, Hayden, are you guys okay." Liam asks them. "It hurts." She says as she told in the floor in pain. "Give me your hand." He tells Hayden. "There's something that Scott does, he can take away the pain. I've never done it before but I can try." Liam says as he holds the girls hand, closing his eyes but to no avail.

"Give me your hands."Jules tells Hayden and Liam, knowing he was in pain too. "Jules no you're already in enough pain." Liam tells her. "I don't care, you're in pain and I'm the only one who know how to take it away." She tells them as she grabs their hands, the pain immediately leaving their bodies as they veins in Jules' arms become black. "Why are they doing this to us?" Hayden asks the two teens.

"I don't know."


"They're not really gonna arrest him, are they?" Scott asks Kira, seeing Mr.Yukimura in Sheriff Stilinskis office as he was being interrogated for a murder that Kira committed. "He has to. My dad basically confessed." Kira tells him. "And you don't remember anything?" Scott asks her. "Nothing. It was like sleepwalking. Suddenly I'm just standing out in the middle of the road" Kira explains to him.

"Okay, we'll figure it out." Scott reassures her. What about Jules, Liam and Hayden?" Kira asks Scott, worried for Jules who she had become close with over the summer. "We're all meeting at my place to try to come up with something. I don't wanna leave you, but I...I've got to find them." Scott says as he tried to not imagine the things they would be going through. "I know. My mom's taking me home anyway. We have to talk to a lawyer. There's nothing anyone can do right now. You should go." Kira tells him.

"Scott... You don't think it was me, do you?" Kira asks him. "No. No, of course not." He says staring at her bloody katana and then kissing her goodbye.  When he walked outside he realized there was still one person who didn't know what was going on.

He pulled out his phone to click on the person he dreaded talking to, not wanting to worry the boy. "Hey Scott, Whats up" Brett says from the other end.
Scott gulping before he musters up the courage to tell the younger boy.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now