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"When I see Kate I'm going to kill her

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"When I see Kate I'm going to kill her." Jules says to Stiles as they head to his Jeep. She was still a little light headed but her thoughts were clear. She hated Kate with her entire being.

"Yeah yeah Jules you'll have plenty of time for that once we get to school and help Scott and Malia." He says as he starts driving. "I just can't believe I let her get away. I should've tried harder." Jules says to him with a look a guilt in her eyes. "It's not your fault Jules you tried and that's what really matters." he says trying to look between her and the road.

"You don't get it Stiles...when Scott became a werewolf it was like I was just simply Scott Mccall's little sister. Suddenly Scott became good at everything. He was popular, he got better at lacrosse, he got the girl. Then he became Alpha and yet he still managed to be a great person and not became cocky. It sounds stupid but...I wanna do more. I feel like I have to prove myself with him. Then I feel bad about it because it's not like Scott makes me feel this way on purpose it's just...he makes me want to be better." Jules says as she watches the winding road.

"I...I didn't know you felt this way. I know this is a stupid question but why didn't you just tell him how you felt." Stiles asks her as she sighs. "I don't know I just...I guess I felt like I had no reason to feel lesser than him. I thought I was just being stupid and delusional because I wanted the attention." Jules confesses. "Jules all the things you've done are amazing. The amount of things you've gone through and look at you. You survived all of it. That makes you a pretty good person to me." He says smiling at her

"I don't wanna be just good...I wanna be great."


The two teens finally got to school and as they did they heard Scott roar. "Stiles go find Peter I'll find Scott he needs help." Jules say to the older boy. "Be careful Jules I don't want you getting hurt." Stiles says to her hugging her in the process.

"I will don't worry." She says smiling to him as she runs towards the school. She kept running, following Scott's scent and apparently Malia's as she was with him too. She finally tracked them to the second floor and followed it as fast as her legs could take her. That's when Jules saw them. She didn't even know what them was. All she knew is that they looked human but they had the skull of an animal as heads. Both Scott and Malia were on the floor and she could smell Malia's blood.

Jules noticed Kira was running to find them as well and they stayed running next to each other. Kira pulling out her Katana and Jules' glowing and her fangs and claws starting to retract.

Kira and Jules both started attacking the two beasts. But all the attacks they were doing didn't seem to faze them. Jules tried clawing one of them but it grabbed her arms and twisted them. It then threw her against the locker but she got up as quickly as she could as she was a bit disoriented. Kira didn't seem to have any luck either,any time she hit them it didn't affect them. She did look like a badass though Jules had to give her that.

"Kira!" Jules heard Scott yell with his hand held out towards her. The beast hit her straight in the face and she was thrown off guard. She landed next to Scott and he looked concerned for her.

Jules saw a shadow down the hall and soon realized it was Derek running towards them. He wolfed out and started attacking the two beasts. He was thrown against the lockers but he still kept fighting. She could see his face morph in into his adult face as he fought. He was changing back.

Soon Derek's face was fully morphed back into the the face she once knew. But something was different. His vibe wasn't the same. Her thoughts were soon confirmed when Derek turned around after scaring off the beasts. His eyes weren't the same crystal blue he had after his confrontation with the Alpha pack. But a bright gold. The shade of eyes that wolves had when they were first bitten.

Derek was now a beta.


It had been awhile before Scott had eventually told
Jules to go home while he talked with Derek. Jules tried finding Stiles and she waited a bit near his Jeep. Jules even tried calling him but it took her straight to voice mail meaning his phone must've died.

She texted Scott saying that she would just walk home. He texted back concerned but she reminded him that she was werewolf too and that she could defend herself. The walk home wasn't too long anyways and she quite liked walking at night. Jules used to do it with Aiden all the time when the two would go on dates. Walking alone at night gave her a sense of peace if that's what you could even call it.

Looking at the stars and the moon reminded her of Aiden. Even though he was dead it was like he was still watching her from above...as a star.

She had been walking in peace for quite awhile until she heard someone step on a stick. She turned around only to find a boy walking out of the woods.

He held up his hands as he said "Sorry didn't mean to scare you...I like walks at night too"

She smiled a bit at him as she noticed that he was pretty cute but his baby face threw her off. "It's ok and yeah walks at night can be very calming" Jules said to him as she continued to walk. She used her enhanced hearing to see if his heart was racing but it wasn't. He was perfectly normal. Then she sensed his chemosignals and still, he was completely calm and that confirmed that he had no bad intentions.

"So where are you headed?" He asked her as he put his hands in his pocket. "I'm just headed home it's been quite a long day and I could seriously use the beauty sleep" She answered him.

He laughed at her answer. "Beacon Hills is a pretty small town, how come I've never seen you around before." She asked him.

"Oh I just moved here actually. I transferred from my old school and now I'm going to Beacon Hills High. Do you happen to go there." He asks me as they continue walking.

"Yeah actually I'm a freshman and my older brother's a Junior." She answers him. "That's nice to know. I have a few friends that go to BHHS as well." He says to her as Jules realizes that she had gotten home. "This is my stop." she says to him as she smiles awkwardly.

"Too bad I liked talking with you...um I'll see you at school then?"

"I would but I don't even know your name" She says smiling at him. He smiles back at her before answering her.

"My name's Liam."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now