𝟒.𝟏𝟐 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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After Jules had turned into werewolf she remembered the amount of anxiety she had creeping up on her as the days went by

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After Jules had turned into werewolf she remembered the amount of anxiety she had creeping up on her as the days went by. The fear of her mother finding out what she was, lurking on her mind. She remembered Scott telling her one of the threats they faced as werewolves.

One of them being the Argent family. The first time Jules had felt truly vulnerable as a werewolf was when Victoria Argent tried killing her and Scott with wolfsbane. She remembered the way the gas filled up her lungs. The way she desperately tried to take in a breath as she held her neck. The way Scott tried holding her hand to tell her it would be okay.

She hated that feeling. The feeling of vulnerability, the feeling of needing someone to save her, and yet here she was. Deep in a well full of water, a burning pain in her chest due to the wolfsbane Garrett had stabbed her with. She screamed hoping someone would hear and come to her rescue. But no one came.

She was alone, slowly dying as she felt the pain spread throughout her entire body. The worst part is all she could do was wait and pray that she would be saved.


Scott knew Jules was gonna be late to school due to Stiles telling him. But when Mason came up to him, telling him about their run and how both Liam and Jules had disappeared he got this sinking feeling in his chest. Jules would've told him if she wasn't gonna be at school or she would at least have Stiles tell him if she couldn't for whatever reason. Something was wrong and he wasn't gonna stop till he figured out what it is.

Knowing Liam and Jules had a few classes together he and Mason went to talk to Coach, hoping he had seen them throughout the day. When they found him however he was visibly not in a good mood, drinking dayquil to keep his energy up.

"Sorry guys Liam and Jules skipped my class, maybe they're sick." He says as he takes another sip of his cough medicine. "Like me."

"They didn't look sick on our run." Mason tells Scott as they walk through the halls. "Neither of them are getting back to my texts." Scott says looking at his phone, hoping a text from Jules or Liam would pop up any second.

"Yeah mine either." Mason says as the bell rings. "Don't worry I'll find them, text me if you see them." Scott tells Mason as he heads to his class.Scott feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket who looks at it to see Liam calling it.

Scott answers it hoping to hear Liams voice telling him that both him and Jules are okay. But when he hears Garrett on the other end his body immediately tenses. "Where are they?" Scott asks the younger boy looking for him in the hallways. "Come on like I'm actually going to tell you that."

"I'll give you the money." Scott pleaded with him. "Yeah you will, but that's not what's gonna get you Jules and Liam back, you're gonna have to put in a little more effort than that." Garrett tells him through the other end.

"What do you want." Scott asks him.

"I want the money and Violet, or you never see Jules and Liam again."

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