𝟒.𝟏𝟎 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐩

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After the whole fiasco in the courtyard Jules ended up stomping off to look for Scott, Stiles and Liam

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After the whole fiasco in the courtyard Jules ended up stomping off to look for Scott, Stiles and Liam. She could hear running water coming from the locker room. Once inside she saw a wet Liam on the floor with Scott and Stiles standing in front of him.  "That car you smashed, I thought you said it was your teachers." Scott tells Liam. "He was also my coach, he benched me for the entire season." Liam informs them. "What did you do?" Scott asks him. "I got a couple red cards." Says Liam looking down in shame. "Just a couple?" Stiles asks him not believing the boy. "You gotta be honest with us, what else happened." Scott says kneeling in his knee to be on the same level as Liam.

"Nothing" Liam tells them but Scott raised his eyebrows not believing him. "I got kicked out of school, they sent me to a physiologist for an evaluation." Liam tells them. "What do they call it." Scott asked him.

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

"IED, you're literally an IED, that's great Scott you gave superpowers to a walking time bomb." Stiles tells him scrunching his eyebrows. Jules takes this as her cue to punch Stiles in the shoulder. "Jules what the hell was that for?" He asked the younger girl grabbing onto his shoulder. "Give him a break it's not like he asked to be an IED." She tells him as she crosses her arms. "Did they give you anything for it?" Scott asks him. "Risperdal it's an anti psychotic-"

"Oh this just gets better and better." Stiles says and Jules glares at him in an attempt to tell him to stop. "But I don't take it." Liam tells them running his hand through his wet hair.


"I can't play lacrosse on it it makes me too tired." Liam explains to them "Okay I think you should bail out of the game, tell Coach your leg's still hurting." Scott tells him. "No no I can do this...especially if you and Jules are there." Liam says with a pleading look in his eyes. "Liam it's not just about the game we think whoever killed DeMarco might be on our team." Scott explains to him.

"Who's DeMarco?" Liam asks looking up at them.
"The one who brought the beer to the party, the one who was beheaded remember." Stiles tells him. "We think the person who ordered the keg killed DeMarco." Scott tells him and that's when Jules notices the change in Liams face. Almost as if he just had an epiphany.

"Liam...What you know something?" Scott asks him.

"I don't know who ordered the keg...But I know who payed for it."



The scrimmage came faster than Jules thought it would. Her nerves were riling up and she could feel her hands start to sweat. Kira being nervous didn't help either as they were the only girls on the team, meaning they had to try ten times harder to prove themselves.

Jules stood next to Mason and Liam as Brett changed into his shirt. She knew she wasn't  supposed like him but she had to admit he was very good looking. Mason couldn't take his eyes off of him either.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now