𝟓.𝟑 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚

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Jules was always a person who had trouble telling people how she felt, she never wanted to be a burden

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Jules was always a person who had trouble telling people how she felt, she never wanted to be a burden. Throughout the summer, Jules had experienced many instances where she forgot where she was, or how she got home, but as this kept happening she kept pushing it off, thinking it was just because she hadn't got enough sleep. But when Jules woke up this morning, something felt different. She could see there was dirt on the floor of her room. She found her clothes all ripped apart, stained with some silvery liquid.

"What the hell?" Jules mutters to herself, not being able to remember what she did yesterday night, no matter how hard she tried. "Jules, you ready?" She could hear Scott yell from downstairs, but she doesn't answer him, still confused over the state over her clothes. "Jules!" She heard Scott say once more. "Yeah um, almost." She says back, hiding the clothes under her head and putting on her shoes.

"You okay?" Scott asks her seeing her state. "Yeah I just, I didn't get much sleep last night." She tells him as they soon make their way to school on his bike.

But something felt different. Jules didn't feel like herself and she couldn't put her finger on it. She could feel something was wrong with her but she didn't know what it was. You could see the worry on her face when she walked into school, every sound around her making her flinch. She didn't even say hi to any of her friends, just walked right past them without saying a word. She got her things from her locker and went to her class early.

Jules just sat there quietly. Thinking. What had she done? Why couldn't she remember? Why were her clothes all torn? What happened? What happened? What happened?

It just kept repeating in her head. She didn't even notice when Liam came in and walked up to her. She didn't even move when Liam sat in front of her, snapping his fingers in her face to bring her back from her trance. "Jules." He says to her. "Jules!" He says one more time before shaking her shoulders, effectively bringing her back.

"Jules, are you okay?" He asks her as she stares blankly at him. "...yeah...yeah I'm- I'm fine." She tells him, Liam looking at her and knowing she was lying but not pushing her to tell him more.

Jules didn't even pay attention in her class. She just stayed zoned out the whole time. When the bell rang stayed there for a bit until she noticed Liam waiting for her. She stood up, smiling slightly at him in appreciation for waiting for her and fe soon walked the halls looking for Mason.

When they finally did, they saw the group by their usual spot, behind the buses and they started to discuss the Tracy situation. "Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors." Lydia tells the group. "Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles adds. "Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable. . ." Scott starts. "Except for you." He says pointing to Mason. 

"Oh. I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing. You're a Kitsune. I don't even know what that is." Mason says astonished, pointing to Kira. "I'm still learning." She tells him, smiling awkwardly. "Liam, we said you could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle." Stiles says to Liam. "Uh, I'm in the inner circle?" Mason ask them.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now