𝟔.𝟐𝟎 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐈𝐭𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

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Jules never realized how stubborn of a person Mrs

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Jules never realized how stubborn of a person Mrs. Finch was. Even after being exposed she was persistent in not contacting her daughter. "I won't do that." Liam sighs at this and rubs his head. "Just call her and tell her not to go anywhere near the school. Tell her that there's someone or something hunting for someone like her."

"You have to stop talking about this." Seeing Liam's lack of success, Scott steps toward them. "If she shows up, at least you'll know what happened to your family—what happened to your daughter." Her eyes fill with tears once again as she shakes her head in denial, causing Liam who look saddened by the situation to help her. "I'll do it for you."

Mrs. Finch gives him a questioning look, and when he gulps and nods in confirmation, Mrs. Finch shakily opens the flip phone and scrolls through the contacts until her daughter's number comes up. She then hands the phone to Liam, squeezing his wrist for comfort before standing to her feet to pace around. Liam looks down at the open phone in his hand and is shocked when he sees the contact name.


"That's her name? That's your daughter's name?" Liam asks her.

"Quinn. My daughter's name is Quinn."


The sun had gone down, and the group still waiting around in the classroom. Jules had been walking back and forth to distract herself until she suddenly froze. Brett looked up at her due to her lack of movement. "Jules? What is it?" Her eyes held worry in them as she looked back at the group. "Something's here with us. Something bad." She said as fear ran through her back.

Suddenly they heard the doors to the main entrance open loudly as a strong gust a wind blew dead leaves through the halls. Scott and Liam share an anxious look as Mrs. Finch walks toward them. "That's her, isn't it?" She asks them as the look out through the small window on the door.
"Well, what are you planning on doing?" Liam, frowns with concern and shushes her as they move closer to the door.

Mrs. Finch clearly had a bad feeling about what they planned to do. "You-you're not going to try to hurt her, are you? That's my daughter." She questions. "We're gonna do what we have to do." Brett answers her making her worry even more.

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Just stay back." Scott tells her as she backs up toward the chalkboard. Scott turned back to them just to make sure they were ready for what they were about to see "Ready." Liam tells him as he turns to look at Jules and Brett who only nod their heads while keeping their gazes stuck on the door.

Mrs. Finch, still terrified that they were going to hurt Quinn was thinking of anything she could to stop them when she realized that Liam had left the tampered chalkboard eraser er daughter, anxiously backs up until her back hits the chalkboard.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now