𝟓.𝟏𝟏 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟

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1. Denial

Brett had only felt this pain one other time in his life and that was when his parents died. When they died he and Lori were left alone until they had been taken in by Satomi. He had found a family again. He had found a family in Jules. But as he looked at her body in his arms it was like he couldn't even breath.

He couldn't even look at Scott or Melissa when they came in, he just let Scott take her body from his arms as he cried against his mother's shoulder. Melissa crying as she ran her hands through Jules' hair, Melissa then seeing Bretts state and grabbing his hand. He felt ashamed, ashamed because he couldn't help her. Now he had to watch her family suffer as they cradle her body.

All that kept running through his head was that Jules was gonna open her eyes at any second and hug him as she tells him that she loved him. They were gonna walk out hand in hand and continue on with their lives, because all that mattered was that they loved each other. But once Parrish made his way inside the room, Brett kissed her one last time before he let Parrish carry her away.

He didn't even bother talking to Scott or Melissa. He walked in silence as he made his way back home to his pack. When he knocked on the door Lori opened it and just stared at his state. He took one look at her and he tried to come up with words but nothing came out. He just fell against her as he cried and hugged her tight.

Jules was gone. The love of his life was gone.

2. Anger

When Brett made his way to his room, he just stared at his door. Slowly lifting his hand to open it, seeing his dirty room. He made his way towards his nightstand which contained memories from their first date. They had gone to a carnival and there happened to be a photo booth there.

He remembered how ecstatic Jules was when she saw it. She had practically dragged him to the photo booth and clapped as they sat inside. Brett smiling as he looked at the goofy photos they had taken. All he wanted was to touch her again. To be able to hear her voice. To be able to kiss her.

Brett only shook his head in disbelief as he began throwing all his things. He didn't care what it was, he threw everything on the ground as he screamed in anger. He throws books, photos, he greaves all his clothes from his drawers and threw them in the ground, not caring if they got dirty. He then began to kick his bed as he was angry with himself.

Angry because he wasn't able to save her. Angry because they had fought that day. Angry because he wasn't able to protect her.

Angry because he felt like it was his fault.

3. Bargaining

Brett proceeded to then sit on the ground as he looked at his torn down room. He noticed his lacrosse jersey on the ground and picked it up. It smelled just like her. Jules had always loved wearing his jersey because it was so oversized on her, it almost fit like a loose dress.

Brett just cradled it in his hands as he cried into it. Maybe if he had figured out that she was a Chimera he could've found a way to save her. If only he had done a better job at hiding her from The Dread Doctors she would still be here.

Brett couldn't help but think these things. Jules McCall was everything to him, she rocked his world. He knew he was never gonna be able to find anyone else like her. He promised her that he would move in but how was he supposed to do that.

He couldn't even imagine being with anyone else. They were meant to be, but fate got in their way. If only he had seen the signs.

If only he could've saved her.

4. Depression

Brett had ended up staying in his room all night. He didn't talk to anyone, he didn't even get up to go to the bathroom. He just sat there, on the ground of his room. His tears had eventually running out, leaving him to stare blankly at the wall in front of him.

What was he supposed to do without her? It was like he didn't even know how to function without her there. He couldn't sleep and he couldn't eat. It had even become hard to breathe as the hours passed.

His heart felt heavy. It was like the world was crashing down on him and he didn't know what to do. Everything was confusing him, how was he supposed to talk to Scott or Melissa? How was he supposed to face any of her friends?

Looking at the picture from their date made it even more painful. It was like hearing her take her last breath, again and again. But just because he was in pain didn't mean he got to stop living, he didn't get to stop being a person.

But how do people move on when they lose the love of their life? How do they breathe? It didn't even matter how, because he had to keep doing it. He had to keep living.

For her.

5. Acceptance.

It was now 3 in the morning and Brett hadn't gotten a single ounce of sleep. He knew if he closed his eyes, he would see her face again. So he did the only thing that could possibly make him happy in that moment.

He opened his window and climbed out onto the roof. Sitting down and turning his head to look up at the stars. He smiled as he noticed one shining brighter than the other. Jules was gone, and he knew she wasn't coming back, but that didn't mean he couldn't reminisce on the happy memories they had made.

He remembered the amount of times Jules would take him out to look at the stars. The first few times he never understood why she had liked them so much. But when he asked her about it, her explanation made his heart jump.

"Why do you like stars so much?" Brett asked her as they laid down on his roof. Jules turning her head to look at him as she smiled. "It's because I know that the stars are the only thing I can count on to always be there." Jules tells him leaving Brett confused.

Jules laughing at his confused face as she elaborates. "The stars are constant, they always stay. They were here before I was born, they're here now, and they'll continue to be here when I die." She explains as Brett stares at her in admiration, she always found a way to make the simplest things beautiful. Jules turned her head to look at the stars once again as smiles wide.

"The stars never leave."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now