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"I need more time

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"I need more time." Theo says as he observed the dread doctors conduction experiments on more people. "Are you listening to me? I said I need more time." He tells them as they pay him no mind. "Perigee-syzygy. The supermoon. We'll know at the perigee-syzygy." The Dread Doctors tell him.

"But what about Jules and Hayden?" He asks them as they continue their experiments. "Failures." They tell him. "No, no, no. Not to me." Theo pleads with them. "Failure compromises the experiment pool." They explain to him. "I kept Scott out of your way. I did everything you wanted. Now, I need Jules and Hayden alive." He yells at them.


"You promised me a pack." Theo says as he points his finger at them. "We promised you nothing." They say to him.

"I need them alive!"


It had been five days since Jules, Liam and Hayden had been rescued by Theo, and they were better than ever. Jules, Hayden and even Corey had begun healing faster than they ever did before and they had even become stronger.

Throughout the five days there had been no new chimeras. The Dread Doctors hadn't made an appearance either. The teens all went to school like normal, but they pretend like nothing even happened. When the pack walked down the halls it felt like everyone knew what was going on, like something was coming. Except no one knows what it is or how bad it was going to be. Scott doesn't know what to do, no one knows what to do.

None of them really talked to each other, they just passed each other by the halls but it seemed like everyone was okay with it because it meant that it was easier to keep secrets. Jules was one of the people that was okay with it.

As she walked in the halls she could feel something drip down her nose and when she touched it she assumed it was just going to be blood. At first Jules thought her eyes were deceiving her, she thought maybe the silver liquid on her finger was just in her imagination. But when she walked into the girls bathroom and saw her upper lip convered in mercury it seemed like the world stopped.


Jules was a failure, and she didn't even know if Hayden or Corey were going through the same thing. The bleeding eventually stopped, but that didn't mean that Jules' anxiety did. It was going through the roof, if she was a failure then that meant that The Dread Doctors were going to come after her again.

However her thoughts were interrupted when she heard sirens. sat first she thought they were police sirens, but as they rang closer she realized...it was an ambulance.

She made her way outside pushing through people as she sees Corey being wheeled away by two paramedics. She stood next to Scott and Theo who had also made their way outside as she sees silver blood spill out of Corey's mouth and onto his shirt. "He just started bleeding everywhere. I don't..." Mason tells them as Jules sees his shirt splattered with mercury. "Don't let them do it. Don't let them kill me!" Corey screams as the ambulance doors close. "Scott, we have to follow them. We gotta protect him, right? Scott, come on. Scott? Scott, this is what you do." Theo tells Scott as they make their way to Theo's truck as Jules leaves to find Liam and Hayden inside the school.

"It's Corey, isn't it?" Hayden asks as the three meet up by the stairs. "Yeah. They're taking him to the hospital." Liam tells them. "That means we're next. They're coming for us." Hayden says as she looks at Jules. "They're coming for all of us." Liam tells them as Jules begins to text Brett.

"Which is why we have to get out of here."


"Corey's dead." Jules whispers loud enough for Brett to hear, as he walks around due to his nervous. "We're not gonna let them get you." Brett says referring to him and Liam. "Even if we get through this how are we supposed to know what Cadejo I'll turn into, or maybe I'll even become like Tracy or Lucas and I'll try to hurt you." Jules say as Brett leans down by her knees intertwining his hands with hers.

"You could never hurt me." He tells her as runs his thumb on her hand. "I'm sorry for the other day. Our fight. I just kept piling my problems on to you and I didn't even bother to ask you how you felt. I wasn't the only one going through something." Jules says to him as he look up at her. "You don't need to apologize, yeah I was going through things too but you were the one that was experimented on by Dread Doctors." He says to her Jules smiles slightly.

The two knowing that they had forgiven each other without even saying a word. They both turned to look at Liam and Hayden, as the two were also conversing. Hayden talking out money from a safe at Sinema as she spoke with Liam The lights soon turned off, the cameras in Sinema turning on to project imagines onto the walls.

"They're here." Jules whispers as The Dread Doctors make their way inside. All four teens running to the exit of the bar as they hear the footsteps of The Dread Doctors. They weren't even to make it through as another Dread Doctor walks up to them grabbing Liam and Brett and knocking them to the ground.

The two boys continued to try and fight until they were thrown against the wall by The Dread Doctors, them soon making their way to Jules and Hayden. "Run, guys run!" Liam yells at the as Jules pushed Hayden behind her. The teens soon hearing Scott roar as begins to fight them. Hayden dragging Jules to a more secluded part of the club as the three boys continued to fight The Dread Doctors.

Theo soon made his way into the club helping Scott as he helps Brett and Liam up from the ground. "Go get them out of here." He tells them as they begin to look for the two girls.

Hayden and Jules were soon dragged by Dread Doctors into another room as they heard the fight. The two girls being restrained as they feel needles being forced into their necks. Mercury coursing through their veins as Liam and Brett finally find them. Mercury filling up the eyes of both girls as they fall to the ground.

Brett had run up to Jules as The Dread Doctors made their way out of the club. Her eyes going back to normal as Brett holds her in his arms. "I'm okay...I think I'm okay." She tells him as he kisses her lips, not wanting to ever let her go. "We saw the needle go in, and their eyes just filled up with mercury. They turned completely silver." Liam explains to the older boys. "They look okay. Maybe they'll heal." Theo says as he observed the state of the two girls. "Or maybe they won't. What if something's happening to them on the inside?." Liam asks them as Scott looks at Jules knowing what they had to do. "Get them to the Animal Clinic. I'll meet you there." Scott tells them as they make their way to Theos truck, Scott taking off on his motorcycle leaving Jules with Brett.

"Keep them awake." Theo tells the younger boys as he drives through the rain. "I don't think it's a good idea for them to fall asleep." He adds. "Guys, guys you gotta stay awake." Liam says as he shakes both girls trying to keep them awake. "I'm so tired." Hayden mumble. "Yeah, I know, but you can't go to sleep." Liam tells them.

"I just want to rest my eyes, just for a second." Jules tells Brett as he keeps his hand on her face. "You gotta try and stay awake Jules, stay awake for me please." Brett pleads with her. "How do we help them?" Liam asks Theo. "I don't know. When it's wolfsbane poisoning, you burn it out. But I don't know anything about mercury. Especially a kind that's probably been altered by them." Theo explains to him. "Are they going to heal?" Liam asks him.

"The problem is Hayden's not really like us, Liam. None of them are. They're more like, like cheap knockoffs. She might not be as strong as we are." Theo says to Liam.

"Or heal like we do."

"She's not a real werewolf. And I'm even more confused when it comes to Jules. She's a bitten werewolf but I think her abilities have been changed by the Dread Doctors so who know what will happen to her." Theo says making Brett hug her tighter. "What if we turn Hayden into one?" Liam suggests. "Nice idea. Except you and I can't do that." Theo tells him.

"But Scott can."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now