5. au: the prince of pride

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You groaned softly picking yourself weakly off the floor.

"At least they could have taken out the gag,"

You grumbled to yourself; looking down at your hands you noticed that you were clean as a whistle. All of your previous dirt and grime from the trip was now washed away. Your new "owner" had likely gotten some servants to scrub you clean, and they had scrubbed you raw, 'It's like they thought the pompous idiot would throw them into the dungeons if he saw a spec of dirt on his new pet slave.'

Just the thought of having to be a slave made you groan again. You had heard stories about what happened to slaves, they had given you nightmares for days.

"I remember hearing that some get beaten until they only live to serve there master and I heard others are tied up and sold to whomever will have them for the night."

"But it can't be worse than being in that building. The screaming... it echoed off the walls...all I could feel is the terror radiating, surrounding me."

You shuffled slightly back trying to forget the sound but it was embedded in your mind. The horror slave stories were not making you feel much better about your predicament.

Lucifer walked into the room followed by a servant holding a plate of food. He motioned for the woman to place the food on the table while he glanced idly at his new slave. The human's eyes were widened and they were looking off into the distance. Almost as if the slave was lost somewhere in the past. The slave's hands and feet still had the magical chains and a ragged blue cloth was wrapped around their mouth. Lucifer couldn't help but think they looked a little.... attractive.

He drew his attention back to the food shaking his head at the thought and sat at the table beginning to eat his meal.

"Of course, I think them attractive. It is perfectly normal. Their sole purpose is to be pretty and to serve. If she were unattractive she wouldn't be here. I simply have to remember that she is a lowly slave, a human and I am the future king. Even if I lust for this creature it shouldn't matter because I have a responsibility to my crown and my father to be with more dignified individuals."

Despite his thoughts, the man's eyes continued to contradict him as they continued to be drawn towards to his servant. The human still looked very uncomfortable, but the slave seemed to be drawn back to reality now.

You quickly looked at your "owner" who was completely ignoring you. Not that you truly cared. You shuffled slightly trying to get a tad more comfortable despite before turning your thoughts to more pressing matters,

"How am I going to escape?"

Looking around the room made your hopes for freedom diminish. Your owner was obviously very wealthy. He could afford good magic handcuffs and most likely had guards outside the door. How many more would be scattered around the castle?


You looked down towards your stomach, shifting your feet before you turned your head towards the large plate of food. The man seemed to be focused on a painting in front of him while eating. His eyes avoiding yours at all costs.

You, however, were starving and the smell of delicious food only made it worse

"I can't even remember eating a meal that looked half as good as that."

Part of the you did not want to draw attention to yourself but your grumbling stomach made you quickly change your mind. You made a muffled shout to get your owners attention. The plan failed. The man in front of you didn't even bother to look in your direction. You struggled slightly and half-shouted through the gag once more annoyed that your "owner" would bring you to this castle only to let you rot away on the floor.

You watched curiously as your owner sighed before making his way over to you, bending down with a tin mug and a small handful of grapes. The man ran a hand through his hair momentarily before he released the strands and looked at the slave.

"I am PRINCE Lucifer."

The man stated with authority,

"You may call me Lord, Majesty, and Master. That is all. If I take off the gag you are not to yell. You are to tell me your name. Nod if you agree with my terms."

You rolled your eyes,

"Like I have a choice. This man is going to be a princely pain in my arse that is one thing I am certain of."

The action received a glare from Lucifer and the prince moved as if to get up and walk away. You, seeing no hope quickly gave in and nodded reluctantly in response.

As promised Lucifer removed the gag, "Name?" he stated casually his voice a bored monotone.

"Why can he sound like he is so bored of me? Does he have a human tied up in his room every day and is finding this charade quite tiring now? He makes it seem like I am the nuisance and problem!"

Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, the human spoke in a frustrated tone,

"F/n, my lord."

Said human began stretching their jaw trying to get the taste of cotton out of their mouth.

Lucifer placed the mug of water in your cuffed hands and commanded you to drink. You did so, greedily, then giving a small smile muttered,


The prince nodded slightly moving back as he became inwardly surprised by the smile. You pulled at the shackles,

"Will you be taking these off?"

A sly smile was on your face.

"No sense in not keeping hopeful. The prince doesn't seem like he wants me around anyway," you thought to yourself.

The prince shot you a glare, before reaching behind and pulling out a set of bracelets. He then placed the food on the floor, and your eyes followed the pile of grapes

Lucifer grabbed his new slave's hands and moved to put on the bracelets. They were thin and made of a mix of gold and iron. They had intricate designs which had an unambiguous meaning some language Lucifer never quite cared to understand. They were made specifically for humans and were very difficult and expensive to acquire. A drop of his blood was added in the creation of these trinkets very long ago. His father had commanded him to do so saying that a prince should always be ready. However, the prince had always hoped he would never need to be ready for this. Yet here he was. The future king's blood and a magical charm that was placed on the bracelets would ensure that only his command would be able to unlock a slave's magic.

He would now be in control.

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