30. asmo headcanons

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Their favourite time of year - He likes summer because he thinks that it is the best time to get dates and it has the best clothing.

Their favourite type of music - His favourite type of music is rap and pop but the really dirty stuff like WAP and Anaconda.

A cute best friend moment - When Solomon got cheated on by some random witch Asmo seduced her and got her drunk, let her spill all her secrets and then told everyone on the internet.

How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them - He doesn't care what height you are, he just wants to fuck you.

If they collect things if so, what - He collects limited edition makeup and he collects lots of clothes...

If they're a doodler or a writer - Doodler because writing takes to much work in his opinion.

If they had a spirit animal what form do they think it would take - I would like to say a scorpion but I think it would more likely be a butterfly or a dolphin.

Which Hogwarts house would they be in - Slytherin, he doesn't fit into any other house and he does exhibit most of the traits of a Slytherin.

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