23. black!mc fluff with diavolo

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Anonymous asked:

Is it alright to ask for more poc fem mc or Black fem mc? Just some fluff or them showing African American cuisines or showing them there culture or just fluff would be fine.

Of course, you can but I am not African American I am from the UK so I will be doing some fluffy fluff with the Diavolo as I am in that kind of mood. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted but i hope you like it anon.

How do the Diavolo react to black MC's hair?

Diavolo fucking loves your hair.

Before you start dating, he is inquisitive about how you care for your hair and will ask you a lot of questions.

He might touch your hair so if you don't like that you have to tell because he really likes touching things he likes.

A bit of himbo about it at first, really nice about it but ignorant alas.

The first thing he says about your hair goes a bit like this...

"It's like a cloud, oh my goodness like a fluffy animal."

When you start dating he will try and help you on wash day, getting all the right products.

He loves to try and will put in different hairstyles like buns.

He tries to help you braid your hair but ends up giving up with a huff when he struggles.

He gets you the most expensive products that he can find.

He loves combing his huge hand through your braids while you lay on his chest.

He will kill anyone who talks bad about you because of your race and will threaten anyone who says anything remotely rude about your hair

He loves how versatile your hair is and he loves you too.

He compares you to all the beautiful goddesses who came before you.

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