18. reacting to a black mc with glowing skin

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Anonymous asked:

Can I request hc's of the Obey Me Brothers reacting to a black!MC who's melanin glows against any light source? Since there isn't a sun in the Devildom, her skin glows under the lights in Diavolo's castle, shines from the moonlight there, and just looks flat out soft since she takes good care of her skin with black owned products.


The first time, Lucifer realises that MC's beautiful actually GLOWS was when he took MC to meet with Diavolo to go through the rules again because she kept hanging out with Mephisto.

His first reaction is to tell her that her skin reminds him of warm late-autumn day and he really likes how she wears colours that accent that.

MC feeling very flattered started smiling and Lucifer's ego started growing due to the fact that he was the one making her smile like that.

When MC wanted to get her skin products and he refused, he went to get more expensive products hiding it in her room. (she knew it was him).

In conclusion, Lucifer thinks her skin is very beautiful but is too proud to say in front of his brothers.


The first time, Mammon realises was when he took MC on a walk around the Devildom and her skin just started to glow under the moonlight.

His first reaction was to ask her skin was magic or if she had taken a potion, I mean he has met witches and this wasn't so far fetched to him.

When she just laughed at him, Mammon took on a look which was like one of a sad dog (ironic but really cute).

MC feeling kind of sorry for him explained and that was the day that Mammon started comparing MC to a sun goddess and saying that she looked like gold.

When MC wants to get her skin products from the human world and Lucifer refuses, he breaks the rules to go get them taking his punishment happily because of her face when he gave them to her.

In conclusion, Mammon loves it and when he finds out that her skin as soft as a pillow, he feels like he is back in the Celestial Relm and he keeps picking her cheeks.


The first time, Asmo realises her skin dazzles in light is when he takes her clubbing and she looks like she is a daughter of Apollo.

His first reaction is him saying this " OMG MC, I am so like jelly of your skin. It's so soft. What products do you use, babe?" while examining her skin like he was a doctor.

MC and him spend the whole ride back from the club chatting and gossiping about different skin brands, scandals and recommendations.

Asmo now only uses black-owned products and he LOVES them so much. He always says he is never going back and takes pictures of him and MC trying out different products.

When MC wants her products from home and Lucifer refuses, he uses one of his and Solomon's connections to buy out a whole store's stock.

In conclusion, Asmo and MC become skincare buddies and gossip while using facemasks.

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