3. Coraline

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(Hope you enjoy the chapter.
Y/T: Your town
Y/S: Your state
Sorry, for the lack of updates, but I hope you enjoy this)

"So, what is there to do around here?" I asked as I turned away from Charlie.

"N-not much, honestly. This place isn't really built for kids" Wybie explained.

"What do you usually do?" I asked.

"I-I'm not really o-outside that often. Not since..." He trailed off.

"Since what?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Never mind. Wh-what do you wanna d-do?" Wybie asked. I looked at him suspiciously. What happened here that made him not come outside.

"Well, we don't know each other that well. We could get to know each other" I suggested. "We can sit on my porch, if you want"

"Y-yeah! I'd like that" Wybie beamed.

We walked over to my house, Charlie following us. We sat on the steps and Charlie jumped into Wybie's lap.

"I'll go first! My name is Y/N L/N. I was born in Y/T, Y/S. I lived there most of my life and then I moved here! What about you?" I asked.

"W-well, I'm Wybie Lovatt. I've lived here my whole life, with my grandma" He said.

"Hm, what now? How about we ask each other different questions. Not really anything else to do, this stage of a friendship is usually pretty awkward" I said with a laugh.

He smiled brightly and stared at me. I began to get uncomfortable so I looked away.

"How about you ask first?" I said, trying to change the subject.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" He asked. I was taken back by the question. One, because it was a weird question to ask when first getting to know someone. Two, he said it with such ease when most of the time he stutters.

"Um, n-no. I haven't. Have you ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend?" I returned the question.

"No, the only girl I know is Coraline. And I don't know any boys my age" Wybie explained.

"Do you like Coraline?" I asked with a cheeky smirk.

"What? No!" He denied immediately. I giggled at his defensive state.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry....so, can we meet Coraline now?" I asked eagerly.

"Why do you even want to meet her?" Wybie asked.

"To make more friends! Its gonna be pretty miserable around here if I don't have friends" I replied.

"You have me" Wybie stated. He was looking down and seemed upset.

"D-did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, if I hurt your feelings" I apologized, feeling guilty immediately. Even though I wasn't sure what I had done.

"You didn't hurt my feelings" Wybie said, as he looked up and sent me a smile.

"Oh...you just seemed upset when I mentioned Coraline"

"When who mentioned me?" I looked up as I heard the unfamiliar voice. There was a girl, she was wearing a yellow rain coat and had short blue hair.

*What Coraline looks like*

"Who are you?" The girl asked

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"Who are you?" The girl asked. Is this Coraline.

"I-I'm Y/N, are you Coraline?" I asked with a smile. She looked surprised. "Oh, Wybie told me about you!"

"No no, I'm not surprised about that. I'm surprised that you said my name right" Coraline explained.

"Do people get it wrong often?" I asked.

"More than you think" Coraline answered. Coraline walked over and sat down in between Wybie and I.

"W-we were having a conversation, Coraline" Wybie said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why did he seem so mad?

"Then, I guess I'll join" Coraline stated.

I thought they were friends...why do they seem like they despise each other?

(Kind of short, but I hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now