13. Stay With Us, Y/N

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"Should we head back to your room?" Other Coraline asked. 

"Um, if you want," I shrugged. Other Coraline and Other Wybie interlaced their hands with mine and pulled me back to the house. Other Mama was in the kitchen, waiting at the table. I wasn't sure where Other Mom was.

"Oh, you're back!" She beamed, sending us a smile. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! It was awesome!" I said happily. "They even spelled out my name during the show! I didn't know Mr. Bobinsky could do that!"

"Only our Mr. Bobinsky can perform so perfectly," Other Wybie said. 

"Oh right," I nodded. "So, he's the Other Mr. Bobinsky?"

"Yup!" Other Coraline nodded. 

"Does that mean there is...a Miss Spink and Miss Forcible here? That have button eyes?"

"Of course!" Other Mama said. 

"What about Charlie?" I asked. 

"Charlie?" Other Coraline repeated. 

"Yeah, Wybie's cat! Well, my Wybie. Not the one here."

"Your Wybie?" Other Mama recited. She was grinning down at me. 

"Well, not mine. You know what I mean. From the real world." I said. 

"This world is real, Y/N," Other Wybie said. 

"Oh right," I nodded. 

"Why don't you three head to Y/N's room?" Other Mama suggested. Other Coraline and Other Wybie didn't hesitate to pull me off to my room. 


I placed my Woody doll on my shelf and turned to the button-eyed people behind me. There were smiling and it was making me feel a bit uneasy. 

"So...do you guys know what my Coraline and Wybie are like?" I asked as I sat on my bed. The Other Coraline and the Other Wybie didn't sit down. 

"Not better than us, that's for sure," Other Coraline said. 

"You seem quite confident with that answer," I teased. 

"Of course, we are," Other Wybie stated. I noticed he didn't stutter, at all, even though my Wybie did. "We were designed specifically to be your perfect Coraline and Wybie."

Other Coraline nudged his side, and he quickly looked down. I raised an eyebrow. "Designed?" I repeated. 

"Never mind him," Other Coraline rolled her eyes. "He doesn't know what he's talking about."

She's being rude. Rude to him. Just like in my world. "You're not that different from my Coraline and Wybie"

"Yes, we are!" Other Wybie said, defensively. 

I turned to my dresser so they couldn't see my facial expressions. Because I had a feeling they wouldn't like what they saw. I was furrowing my eyebrows and slightly rolling my eyes. I wasn't sure I liked this Coraline and Wybie. 

I jumped when I felt two hands on each side of my waist. I quickly turned and saw Other Coraline and Wybie. Other Coraline on one side of me and Other Wybie on the other. I pushed their hands away awkwardly and tried to move from the dresser. 

Other Coraline put her arm in front of me and pushed me back. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I answered quickly. I realized how unconvincing it sounded, so I cleared my throat and tried again. "Nothing's wrong, guys."

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now