14. Sorren

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*3rd person p.o.v*

"Fuck," Y/N mumbled. She sat up in her bed and let the comforter pool around her waist. She tried to stand up, but immediately slumped back onto the bed when she felt an excruciating pain in her head. "What happened?"

She massaged her temple, trying to rid herself of some of the pain the headache was causing. She closed her eyes, finding the light from the window to be too much for her to handle. Her bedroom door opened and she turned to see her mama. 

"Good morning," her mama smiled. "I just came to make sure you were up. You've got to go out to the bus soon."

"Okay," Y/N spoke quietly. 

Her mama noticed the teen's low mood. "Are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Y/N answered, sending her mama an assuring smile. "I just have a headache that's all."

"Have you been getting enough sleep?" Her mama asked. 

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"A lack of sleep can cause headaches," The adult informed. 

Y/N paused and thought for a moment. Is going to the other world messing with my sleep? I guess that would be another way to prove it's real and that I'm not dreaming. "No, I'm sleeping just fine."

Her mama sighed, not quite believing her, but she decided to not press any further. "Go ahead and get ready for school, dear. If your headache gets worse while you're there, just call your Mom or me, and we'll come to pick you up, all right?"

"Thanks, Mama," Y/N smiled. Her mama nodded and turned to leave the room, leaving the H/C-haired girl to her thoughts. 

Y/N stood up and walked over to her closet, trying to distract herself from the pain. She didn't think she'd ever had a headache this bad. She slipped into her uniform and walked to the bathroom to get ready. 

She opened the cabinet above the sink and grabbed some Ibuprofen. She quickly popped a pill into her mouth and swallowed it with some sink water. She brushed her teeth and made sure she looked somewhat presentable. Unfortunately, there were some bags under her eyes, only slight, but they were still there. 

She grabbed her makeup bag and hoped she would be able to cover it up. She didn't want anyone making a big deal out of it. And by anyone, she meant Coraline and Wybie. The makeup wasn't working and she let out a frustrated groan. She wiped off the makeup deciding that it was no use. 

"Maybe, I shouldn't go back tonight," she spoke to herself as her headache increased. 

"B-but," "You haven't even been here that long!"

"I'll come back tomorrow, I promise,"

"Yeah, sure, you will,"

"But! I want Y/N to stay!"

"I'll come back, tomorrow. Probably, around the same time that I came today. I promise."

"Okay," "You better stick to that promise,"

"I will," 

She mumbled profanities under her breath and placed her hand onto her forehead. Her life just seemed to get more and more complicated by the moment. Not just complicated, it was stressful. 

I promised the Other Wybie I would go back tonight. But, it's obviously messing with my sleep and hurting me. Although, it would hurt the Other Wybie's feelings if I didn't go. 

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now