6. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible

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We had been walking around the apartment complex, talking about many different things. Sometimes, Coraline and Wybie would start fighting, but I would try to interfere and stop them. I just don't get it, weren't they supposed to be friends? I know friends fight sometimes, but this is constant. Maybe, I'm just reading too far into this. They are two completely different people, so there are bound to fight, but that doesn't mean they hate each other...

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Coraline asked. I looked up with a smile and nodded. 

"Yeah, I was just thinking" I answered.

"A-about what?" Wybie asked curiously. I paused trying to think up a lie.

"I- I had a really weird dream last night" I stated. They came to a halt and looked at each other, then back at me. I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"What was the dream about?" Coraline asked immediately. The urgency in her voice startled me a bit. 

"Um...nothing important, why?" I asked. 

"Please, j-just tell us wh-what it was about?" Wybie asked. Why are they acting so...frightened?

"I-I dreamt that..." I struggled to come up with a 'dream' that would sound realistic enough for them to believe. And their worried faces didn't help. "I was...your cat," I said as I pointed to Wybie. They let out a sigh of relief, causing me even more confusion.

"Sorry, about that..." Coraline apologized.

"Why were you guys getting so worked up?" I asked. 

"We weren't g-getting worked u-up" Wybie denied. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"If that wasn't getting worked up, then I don't know what is," I said.

"Remember, when we told you something happened here? It started with weird "dreams" so, we just wanted to be sure that you were safe" Coraline explained.

"Dreams? That's strange...what type of dreams?" I questioned, growing curious.

"Well, you'd be-" Coraline began. Wybie elbowed her in the side and she sent a glare to him. "I'm sorry, we really can't tell you. Trust me, I would if I could" 

I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of disappointed by this. Everything here is so boring, and the one exciting thing about this place I can't even know what it is. But, I needed to think about it from their point of view. They did say that it was dangerous and they aren't allowed to talk about it. I should respect that. I put on an understanding smile, trying not to seem upset.

"Okay, don't worry about it," I said. "So...My parents told me that actresses live here" Coraline and Wybie looked at each other and chuckled a bit. "What? What's so funny?"

"They used to be actresses, but not anymore. They're very...proud" Coraline explained. "They're a couple, but they're always bickering about something"

"They're a couple? Oh, thank goodness. I was afraid my parents were the only gay couple...so, does that mean that there aren't any homophobes around?" I asked hopefully.

"There are a few at our school, but sadly that's normal for schools. But there aren't any here, rarely anyone is around this area and the few that are, are very accepting" Coraline explained.

"Well, that's great! Can we meet Miss Spink and Miss Forcible?" I asked.

"A-are you sure?" Wybie asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I questioned.

"Well, my Mom says they're dingbats and I wouldn't say I agree with her but..." Coraline trailed off.

"They can't be that bad, please?" I asked. 

*Wybie's p.o.v*

She's so adorable! How could I say 'no' to her? 

"O-of course, w-we can go," I said. She pulled Coraline and me into a hug causing me to melt. She's so warm...

"Yay!" She beamed. She grabbed our arms and pulled us toward the apartment, that led down into the ground. She hopped down the steps and knocked on the door.

*Y/N's p.o.v"

The door opened and there was an old woman with pink hair, using a walker. There were three dogs crowded around her feet barking loudly, all of them short, black, Scottie dogs. They were cute, but I wondered how they told them apart without a name tag. The woman looked behind me and smiled.

"Coraline! Wyborne! Who is your new friend?" The lady asked.

"Hi, Miss Spink. This is Y/N L/N" Coraline introduced me. Miss Spink perked up at the mention of my name.

"Oh! You're the little girl that just moved here! I met your mom's the day you moved here" Miss Spink said. She moved to the side and motioned for us to come in. As we walked in the dogs barked and jumped up at us, eager to meet a new person.

"Down, you three. Sorry, about them. They're just excited" Miss Spink apologized with a kind smile. She walked through a bead curtain thing and into the living room. Wybie held my hand and pulled me into the room causing me to blush.

I saw a woman in the kitchen, she was taller than Miss Spink with white hair and was holding a pair of glasses in front of her eyes. I assumed that this was Miss Forcible, she looked my way and raised an eyebrow.

"April, who is this?" Miss Forcible asked.

"Oh, this is Renee and Phillipa's daughter. And you know Wyborne and Coraline" Miss Spink explained. I waved and sent a smile her way. I looked around the apartment and froze in my tracks when I saw a bunch of Scottie dogs on the wall in angel costumes. 

"C-Coraline?" I whispered to the blue-haired female. She hummed in response. I tried to point at the wall without Miss Spink and Miss Forcible noticing. 

"Oh...they're stuffed, used to be their pets" Coraline whispered back. Well, that's disturbing...

"Here's some jasmine tea, dear," Miss Forcible said, handing me a cup. I never was fond of tea, but I didn't want to be rude so I took a sip anyway.

"Would you like me to read your tea leaves?" Miss Spink asked. 

"She read mine when I first got here," Coraline said.

"Um, sure" I agreed.

"Drink it, but not all of it," Miss Spink said. I drank a bit of it and handed it to her. Coraline and Wybie sat on either side of the couch, both next to me. Miss Spink looked closely and gasped.

"Wh-what? What is it?" I asked.

"I see some sort of obsession in your future, but not the good kind and you will not be the holder of the emotion" Miss Spink explained. I tilted my head in confusion. Obsession?

"Oh, give me that," Miss Forcible said. She took the cup and looked at it. 

"You read it wrong, April. Don't worry, dear, there is great love in your future" Miss Forcible said. I felt like I believed Miss Spink more due to her not having to use glasses. The two began to bicker over what the tea leaves meant.

"Um, I should probably get going now," I said as I stood up. "Thank you for the tea, it was nice meeting you" Coraline and Wybie followed after me and we left the apartment. 

"Thank you for hanging out with me, guys," I said out of nowhere.

"O-of course, you're a-amazing!" Wybie complimented, causing me to blush.

"I mean, it's nice to have friends that actually care for you...I really appreciate you guys" I pulled them into a tight hug. "Night guys...see you tomorrow for school"

I ran into the house and was met with Mom and Mama, both smirking.

"You're definitely in love," They said in unison.

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now